When the Maryland General Assembly reconvenes on January 9th for the 2019 legislative session, at least 10 Senators and 29 Delegates will be new to their seat. In total, 39 legislators are set to leave their seats vacant by way of either seeking higher officer, local office, or retirement.

In the Senate, five of the ten members vacating their seat belong to the Budget and Taxation Committee which will include the Chair, Vice-Chair, and Chair of the Chair of the Capital Budget Subcommittee . Additionally, the  Judicial Proceedings Committee will lose four out its current eleven members.

The House of Delegates will also see considerable turnover in 2019. However, 10 of the 29 members who are leaving the House are seeking election to the state Senate and could return to Annapolis in a new position in January. A complete list of the Delegates and Senators leaving their seats can be found on Maryland Reporter.

From everyone at Manis Canning & Associates, we wish all of these legislators the best in their future endeavors and thank them for their years of services, collaboration, and friendship.