During the final bill signing following the 2018 General Assembly Session, Governor Larry Hogan, Senate President Mike Miller, and House Speaker Mike Busch signed more than 200 bills into law. Legislation focused on expanding tax credit programs for business, providing tax relief, and aiding in bay clean up efforts. A few bills of significance that were signed into law include:

Senate Bill 184/House Bill 365 clarifies the number of personal exemptions a taxpayer can deduct for State income tax purposes.

Senate Bill 134 provides a refundable credit against the State income tax for a small business that employs 14 or fewer employees to assist small businesses with providing paid sick and safe leave.  The tax credit applies to an employee who earns 250% or less of the annual federal poverty guidelines for a single person household.

House Bill 1465 protects Maryland’s shoreline from offshore drilling.

Full List of Bills Signed Into Law
Governor’s Press Release