Maryland Budget Highlights FY 2020

Governor Hogan recently introduced his budget plan for fiscal 2020. As reported by the Washington Post,

The $46.6 billion budget proposal — a 4 percent increase over last year’s fiscal plan — raises the pay of state employees by at least 3 percent, extends a tax relief to the retired military, police officers and fire and rescue workers, provides $57 million for businesses that locate in “opportunity zones,” and sets aside $1.3 billion in reserves to guard against a potential economic downturn.

The governor wants $248 million for drug treatment and prevention, a 20 percent increase; $10 million in capital grants for school safety improvements at public schools and $3.5 million at private schools; and $221 million for the Purple Line.

Hogan said the budget also fully funds education with $6.9 billion, which he said is a $347 million increase over last year’s appropriation. He plans to set aside $200 million for recommendations from the Kirwan Commission, an education panel that has been advising the legislature on ways to change the public school system.

Articles in the Baltimore Sun and Maryland Matters also outline items funded in the Governor’s proposed budget.

Governor Hogan’s Press Release on Proposed Budget
FY 2020 Budget Books
FY 2020 Highlights Presentation