Governor Larry Hogan announced yesterday that he will let Senate Bill 516 – Clean Energy Jobs take effect without his signature. At the same time, he announced an energy strategy, the innovative Clean and Renewable Energy Standard (CARES) to require 100% clean electricity by 2040.

From the Governor’s press release,

The governor made the announcement in a letter to Senate President Thomas V. “Mike” Miller, indicating he will allow Senate Bill 516 — Clean Energy Jobs to take effect without his signature, expressing serious concerns that the legislation could send too many jobs out of state and enable poor environmental stewardship.

The press released continued, providing more information about the CARES plan.

“Our CARES plan aims to get us to zero carbon emissions, rather than just increasing the quotas for dirty energy and outdated technologies,” writes Governor Hogan. “It uses competition to get better results at a lower cost to ratepayers. Our CARES target is clear: 100% clean electricity by 2040. This better and bolder goal is what our state should be striving for as we continue to set an example for the rest of the nation.”

The goals of the CARES plan include:

  • Increasing the strategic use of zero- and low-carbon clean and renewable energy sources;
  • Recognizing the clean and safe aspects of nuclear energy;
  • Supporting hydropower, coupled directly with maintaining environmental stewardship;
  • Advancing emerging technology for carbon capture and storage; and
  • Utilizing the role of energy-efficient combined heat and power.

Additional press coverage –

The Daily Record
Maryland Matters
Washington Post