As announced on Monday, Governor Hogan issued a stay-at-home order to stop the spread of the coronavirus. The order took effect at 8 pm Monday evening and no one is to leave their home for any reason other than essential work, to get food or other fundamental reason.

A complete listing of all executive orders, interpretive guidance documents, and emergency proclamations can be found on the Governor’s COVID-19 Pandemic: Orders and Guidance Page.

To stay up to date on state actions visit the Hogan Administration’s COVID-19 Response page. By clicking on the red box “Information About COVID-19 in Maryland” you can access specific information about the coronavirus in Maryland and locate resources for:

Additional information regarding child care for essential personnel, health care providers, insurance companies, providers and more can be found below.

Please be advised this information is being routinely updated and it’s beneficial to visit the Governor’s response page and individual state agency websites for the latest news and information.