Image result for kelly schulz Governor Larry Hogan has announced the appointment of Kelly M. Schulz as Secretary of the Maryland Department of Commerce. Schulz, who currently serves as Secretary of the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation, will replace Commerce Secretary R. Michael Gill.

From the Governor’s press release:

“Secretary Schulz is a strong advocate for Maryland’s job creators, and has a proven track record of working directly with our business community to create jobs, enhance economic growth, and expand opportunity for both businesses and workers,” said Governor Hogan. “I know that Kelly will be instrumental in ensuring that we build on our incredible progress.”

In her role at DLLR, Secretary Schulz is responsible for managing an agency with nearly 2,000 employees and an operating budget of more than $375 million. Schulz has been working successfully in that capacity since the beginning of the Hogan administration, and has received wide praise for initiatives to grow the state’s workforce and support Maryland’s small businesses.

“Business leaders’ number one concern is ensuring they have access to a talented workforce, and I am incredibly proud of the work we’ve been able to do thanks to Governor Hogan’s leadership to prepare Maryland workers for 21st century jobs,” said Secretary Schulz. “Having a leader at Commerce who understands workforce needs will help us grow our private sector and continue to foster an environment where businesses thrive and create even more jobs. I thank Governor Hogan for this honor, and I look forward to working to ensure that Maryland continues to be open for business.”

The Governor also announced that James E. Rzepkowski has been named acting secretary at DLLR, where he currently serves as assistant secretary for the Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning.

The appointments will take effect at the beginning of the new year and Schulz’s appointment is subject to Senate confirmation.

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Baltimore Sun
Maryland Matters