Andrea E. Mansfield ’19, lobbyist at Manis Canning & Associates, has been chosen to join the Leadership Maryland Board. She will be serving with the following newly elected officers and directors.

Jeanne F. Singer, Esq. ‘07 (LM), Attorney at Law with the Law Offices of Jeanne F. Singer, is the newly elected chairman of the board. Kenneth L. “Ken” Brannan ’05 (LM), owner of Saucy Salamander Café & Catering Company, is the newly elected vice chairman. Gloria AparicioBlackwell ’13, director of community engagement, University of Maryland, and Jeannette R. Fitzwater ’09, CEO and Strategic Coach, JR Fitzwater & Associates, were re-elected to their positions as secretary and treasurer, respectively. Miriam “Mindy” Lehman ’14, vice president of Government Affairs, Maryland Bankers Association joins Mansfieldas a newly elected director.

Existing directors Pamela J. “Pam” Ruff ’98, executive director, Maryland Economic Development Association (MEDA); and John M. Wasilisin ’05, CEO/executive director, Maryland Saves, were also re-elected, as were Maryland Leadership Workshops representatives Susan C. Simmons ’06, director, Parks and Recreation, Caroline County, Sean M. Looney ‘96, (LM), vice president government affairs, Comcast; and Derryck Fletcher, senior vice president, Youth Development, K-12, Y in Central Maryland.

Leadership Maryland is open to senior-level executives with significant achievements in either their careers and/or their communities. Ideal Leadership Maryland members have a desire to learn more about Maryland’s most critical issues and a personal commitment to be a force for positive change in their organizations, their communities, and their state.