Senate President Bill Ferguson has announced standing policy committee assignments for the upcoming 2021 Legislative Session. From the Senate President’s press release

“The Senate is gifted with members who bring their experiences, policy understanding, and ability to work together to the table,” stated Senate President Ferguson. “With all the differences of this upcoming Session, the most important work will be done in our committees, and I have faith in our Chairs and Senators to produce the finest legislative work on behalf of all Marylanders.”

Assignments are as follows:

BUDGET & TAXATION COMMITTEE – Senator Guy Guzzone, Chairman; Senator Jim Rosapepe, Vice-Chairman; Senator Paul D. Corderman; Senator Cory V. McCray; Senator George C. Edwards;  Senator Douglas J. J. Peters; Senator Adelaide Eckardt; Senator Johnny Ray Salling; Senator Sarah Elfreth; Senator Ronald N. Young; Senator Melony Griffith; Senator Craig Zucker; Senator Nancy J. King

EDUCATION, HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE – Senator Paul G. Pinsky, Chairman; Senator Cheryl C. Kagan, Vice-Chairman; Senator Mary Beth Carozza; Senator Obie Patterson; Senator Arthur Ellis; Senator Edward R. Reilly; Senator Jason C. Gallion; Senator Bryan Simonaire; Senator Katie Fry Hester; Senator Mary Washington; Senator Clarence K. Lam

FINANCE COMMITTEE – Senator Delores G. Kelley, Chairman; Senator Brian J. Feldman, Vice-Chairman; Senator Malcolm Augustine; Senator J.B. Jennings; Senator Pamela Beidle; Senator Katherine Klausmeier; Senator Joanne C. Benson; Senator Benjamin F. Kramer; Senator Antonio L. Hayes; Senator Justin Ready; Senator Stephen S. Hershey, Jr.

JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE – Senator William C. Smith, Jr., Chairman; Senator Jeff Waldstreicher, Vice-Chairman; Senator Jack C. Bailey; Senator Susan Lee; Senator Jill P. Carter Senator; Charles H. Sydnor, III; Senator Robert Cassilly; Senator Chris West; Senator Shelley Hettleman; Senator Michael J. Hough; Senator from District 27