The House Republican Caucus recently elected Delegate Jason Buckel (District 1B, Allegany County)  and  Delegate Christopher Adams (District 37B – Caroline, Talbot, Dorchester and Wicomico Counties) to serve as House Minority Leader and House Minority Whip.

“I am truly humbled to have the support of my Republican colleagues in the House and to be chosen as their leader”, said House Minority Leader Jason Buckel. These are 42 of the best people I have met in my life. We are strong, we are a team, and we are ready to do the best job we can do, together.”

“I am honored to have this opportunity to serve,” said House Minority Whip Christopher Adams. “There are many challenges we face, but our Caucus is driven by challenge, and we will rise to the occasion. We are ready to build on the many successes our previous leadership team has given us.”

Delegates Buckel and Adams replace Delegate Nic Kipke and Kathy Szeliga who announced earlier this year that they would be stepping down from their leadership roles at the end of the 2021 Legislative Session. Kipke and Szeliga are the longest-serving Republican leadership team in the history of the House of Delegates.

In a recent interview with MarylandReporter, Delegate Buckel commented Republicans “need to do a better job” of communicating their party’s message on key issues to voters in the predominantly Democratic Baltimore-Washington, D.C. metropolitan area if they are to remain competitive in statewide elections. The full interview with Delegate Buckel can be found here.

A Maryland Matters article rounds out the full leadership team. Del. Haven N. Shoemaker Jr. (R-Carroll) has been appointed to the position of chief deputy minority whip, taking over for Buckel, who held the job under the previous GOP leadership regime. Shoemaker previously served as the minority parliamentarian for the caucus.

Del. Michael E. Malone (R-Anne Arundel) will take over as the caucus parliamentarian. And Del. Seth A. Howard (R-Anne Arundel) has been appointed to serve as a deputy minority whip for the Caucus, filling the vacancy created upon Adams’ election as whip.

House Minority Caucus Press Release
Listen to Delegate Buckel’s interview on “The Duckpin” podcast