Governor Hogan, joined by House Speaker Adrienne Jones and Senate President Bill Ferguson, signed 105 bills into law on Thursday. Initiatives signed into law included measures to prevent opioid overdoses statewide, direct more funding to local governments for infrastructure improvements, bolster the state’s cybersecurity network, and provide for additional steps to divest from Russia and express solidarity with Ukraine.

In his opening comments, the governor highlighted the following measures:

  • The Statewide Targeted Overdose Prevention (STOP) Act, to increase access to Naloxone, which helps save lives and reverses the effects of an opioid overdose.
  • Legislation to dramatically increase critical infrastructure funding for local governments to advance priority projects and improvements.
  • Cybersecurity legislation to further solidify Maryland’s standing as the cyber capital of America, and protect Marylanders against cyberattacks.
  • Legislation codifying the governor’s directive to the Maryland State Retirement and Pension System to divest from Russia, and a joint resolution expressing solidarity with the people of Ukraine.

The full list of bills enacted is available here.

A Maryland Matters article  provides more details and further elaborates on those bills enacted during the bill signing yesterday.