Candace McLaren Lanham

Attorney General-Elect Anthony Brown names three women — Candace McLaren Lanham, Carolyn Quattrocki, and Zenita Wickham Hurley — to serve in top positions on his senior team. 

As announced in a press release, Candace McLaren Lanham will serve as Chief Deputy Attorney General once admitted to the Maryland bar. Pending bar admission, she will serve as Chief of Staff. Carolyn Quattrocki will continue to serve as Deputy Attorney General as she did under AG Frosh. Zenita Wickham Hurley will serve as Chief of the Office of Equity, Policy, and Engagement a new office that Brown will be establishing.

Carolyn Quattrocki

“The people of Maryland will be well-served by the experiences and talents reflected in the senior leadership team that I’m announcing today,” said Attorney General-elect Brown.  “Ms. McLaren Lanham brings a diverse wealth of experience in criminal investigations and prosecutions, civil enforcement, and administrative compliance, and she brings a proven set of organizational management skills that will enhance the work of the OAG.  Ms. Quattrocki understands the strengths and current capabilities of the OAG and her broad experience across State government will ensure that we provide the best representation to the clients.  Ms. Hurley’s career has focused extensively on issues of fairness and justice, particularly for underserved and overburdened communities, and her focus on issues of equity will enable the OAG to fulfill its responsibility to protect the rights, responsibilities, and privileges of all Marylanders. I’m grateful for the willingness of Candace, Carolyn, and Zenita to join me as I take on the role of Maryland’s chief legal officer.”

Zenita Wickham Hurley

Brief bios of the appointees may be found in the press release.