Governor-elect Wes Moore selects Senator Susan Lee to serve as Secretary of State.

Senator Susan Lee, who most recently served on the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee representing District 16, will become Maryland’s first Asian American Secretary of State.

As announced in a press release:

“Senator Susan Lee has been a force in Maryland for decades and I’m honored to have her join my Administration as Maryland’s next Secretary of State,” said Governor-Elect Wes Moore. “I know with Sen. Lee alongside me, we will swiftly create an economically thriving Maryland that leaves no one behind.”

“I’m so excited to work alongside Governor Wes Moore as Maryland’s next Secretary of State to bring real change to our communities,” said Senator Susan Lee. “On day one, we’ll be ready to hit the ground running to create an economically thriving state that leaves no one behind–one that puts our working families first and sends a clear message to businesses that we are ready to get to work.”

Susan C. Lee was elected to the Maryland House of Delegates in 2002 and to the Senate in 2014 to represent District 16 and has been described as a leader in the General Assembly on cyber security and innovation, identity theft, online fraud, consumer protection, pay equity, and gun safety and laws to fight domestic violence, sexual assault, human and labor trafficking, child and senior abuse, and hate crimes. She also has led efforts to promote bioscience, nanobiotechnology, telehealth, IT, and emerging technologies.   Co-Chair of the Maryland Cybersecurity Council Law & Policy Subcommittee, Co-Chair of the Maryland Commission on Cyber Security, Innovation and Excellence, and as Co-Chair of the Maryland Identity Theft Task Force, Susan has authored and led efforts to pass major laws to protect Marylanders against cyber attacks and terrorism, ransomware, identity theft, and online fraud, and assist victims of those crimes.”

Learn more in the press release.