Maryland’s 46th Attorney General, Brian E. Frosh, announced he would not seek a third term as the state’s chief legal counsel, capping off a decades-long career in public service.

Attorney General Frosh previously served in the Maryland General Assembly for 28 years, representing District 16 in Montgomery County. After serving two terms in the House of Delegates, Frosh served for 20 years in the state Senate — including 12 as chair of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee.

In a letter to his staff, Attorney General Frosh wrote the following:

Dear Friends:

I am writing to let you know that after 35 years in public service, I have made the
difficult decision not to seek re-election as Attorney General.

My work with you has been the most rewarding, fulfilling and, I believe, productive
experience of my professional life. I continue to treasure the opportunity to work
with all the talented and dedicated people that make up our great office.

It is more important than ever to remember the words of Margaret Mead: “Never
doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change the world;
indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

I still have about 15 months as Attorney General. I intend to make the most of every
single moment. I will continue to work with you to provide the best possible legal
advice to our clients, to protect Marylanders, to improve their lives and to fight for

Thanks to each and every one of you for your service to our state. I appreciate
more than I can ever express, the friendship and support that you have shown
me. Let us make the most of the remaining time we have together.


Attorney General Frosh’s Press Release
Coverage from Maryland Matters
Coverage From Maryland Reporter