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So far mca_intern has created 33 blog entries.

Governor Moore Announces 2024 Legislative Session Public Safety Agenda

Governor Wes Moore announced this week the Moore-Miller administration’s 2024 legislative session public safety agenda. The administration is offering bills that will reform the state's victim compensation program, address recruitment and retention of police officers, and create a gun violence prevention and intervention office at the Maryland Department of Health. The Moore-Miller Administration’s 2024 public [...]

Governor Moore Announces 2024 Legislative Session Public Safety Agenda2024-01-12T18:34:58-05:00

Governor Hogan Appoints Linda Foley to the Maryland House of Delegates

Governor Hogan earlier today announced the appointment of Linda K. Foley to the House of Delegates. Ms. Foley was nominated by the Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee and will represent Legislative District 15. Ms. Foley's appointment fills the vacancy left after Governor Hogan appointed Delegate Kathleen Dumais as a Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge in [...]

Governor Hogan Appoints Linda Foley to the Maryland House of Delegates2021-12-14T18:27:27-05:00

Senate Finance Chair Kelley Will Not Be Seeking Re-Election in 2022

Senate Finance Committee Chair Delores G. Kelley announced that she will not run for re-election next year. She intends to complete her four-year term that concludes in January 2023. Senator Kelley is one of the longest-serving members of the Maryland State Senate. The Baltimore Sun reported that Senator Kelley hopes to mentor more young people [...]

Senate Finance Chair Kelley Will Not Be Seeking Re-Election in 20222021-12-14T17:24:05-05:00

Maryland General Assembly Overrides Several of the Governor’s Vetoes From the 2021 Legislative Session

The General Assembly gathered for a special legislative session last week to establish new congressional redistricting maps. As a part of its work, the General Assembly overrode several of the Governor's vetoes from the 2021 legislative session. Here are some of the major issues the legislature took action on. Immigration reforms House Bill 16- The [...]

Maryland General Assembly Overrides Several of the Governor’s Vetoes From the 2021 Legislative Session2021-12-13T13:10:00-05:00

Maryland General Assembly Overrides Governor Hogan’s Veto of Congressional Redistricting Map

The General Assembly passed the congressional redistricting plan drafted by the Legislative Redistricting Advisory Commission (LRAC) on Wednesday only to have it vetoed by the Governor the following day.  Governor Hogan held a press conference at 2:15 p.m. on Thursday where he vetoed the LRAC redistricting plan. The Governor's veto was expected, according to Maryland [...]

Maryland General Assembly Overrides Governor Hogan’s Veto of Congressional Redistricting Map2021-12-10T15:24:25-05:00

Delegate Dereck E. Davis Elected as New Maryland Treasurer

House Economic Matters Committee Chair Delegate Dereck E. Davis was elected by his colleagues Thursday night to be the new State Treasurer of Maryland. Delegate Davis will succeed current State Treasurer Nancy D. Kopp, who announced her retirement after serving for almost two decades. Delegate Davis will be the second African-American to hold the position [...]

Delegate Dereck E. Davis Elected as New Maryland Treasurer2021-12-10T13:02:13-05:00

2021 General Assembly – It’s A Wrap!

The 2021 General Assembly session came to a close Monday evening, April 12 at midnight with final action being taken on a number of bills and a few others left outstanding.  In all, a total of 2,359 bills and joint resolutions were introduced, of which 817 passed. Looking back to the start of the year, [...]

2021 General Assembly – It’s A Wrap!2021-04-13T16:38:31-04:00

Governor Announces Vaccine Pre-Registration for Marylanders 16 and Older

In an April 1 press conference, Governor Hogan announced several updates on the COVID pandemic. At the forefront, the Governor announced that everyone 16 and older would now be authorized to preregister for appointments at mass vaccination sites, and these individuals will begin receiving appointments as they become available starting April 27th. He maintained that, [...]

Governor Announces Vaccine Pre-Registration for Marylanders 16 and Older2021-04-02T14:21:08-04:00

Maryland to Receive $3.9 Billion in Federal Aid; Maryland Leaders Unveil New Relief Spending Plan

On Wednesday, Maryland’s top leaders announced another $3.9 billion in federal funding would be distributed to help handle various agencies and departments in Maryland impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. Governor Hogan was joined by Senate President Bill Ferguson and House Speaker Adrienne Jones in accepting the funding, which is coming to Maryland through the federal [...]

Maryland to Receive $3.9 Billion in Federal Aid; Maryland Leaders Unveil New Relief Spending Plan2021-04-01T18:20:15-04:00