Governor Hogan Submits $480 Million Supplemental Budget – Funds Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Initiatives, First Responders, Renters and Homeowners, and Rural Marylanders

Governor Larry Hogan submitted a $480 million supplemental budget to the General Assembly for Fiscal Year 2023, including funding for first responders, economic development in rural counties, renters and homeowners, and restores Blueprint funding for Baltimore and Prince George's County school systems. From the Governor's press release: “With this supplemental budget, we are providing critical [...]

Governor Hogan Submits $480 Million Supplemental Budget – Funds Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Initiatives, First Responders, Renters and Homeowners, and Rural Marylanders2022-02-23T11:23:57-05:00

Governor Hogan’s Proposed $58.2 Billion FY 2023 Budget Focuses on Education, Tax Relief, Economic Recovery

Governor Hogan released details yesterday of his Fiscal Year 2023 proposed budget. As described in the Governor’s press release, the surplus budget “strengthens the state’s Rainy-Day Fund to record levels, delivers major tax relief to retirees and working families, expands relief for vulnerable Marylanders, makes record investment in K-12 education and school construction, increases funding [...]

Governor Hogan’s Proposed $58.2 Billion FY 2023 Budget Focuses on Education, Tax Relief, Economic Recovery2022-01-20T13:16:36-05:00

Governor Hogan’s FY 22 Budget Focuses on Education, Tax Relief, Economic Recovery

Governor Hogan released details today of his Fiscal Year 2022 proposed budget. As described in the Governor's press release, the budget "makes record investments in K-12 education and public health, provides substantial tax relief to struggling Marylanders and small businesses, expands resources for crime prevention and fighting the opioid epidemic, fully funds Chesapeake Bay restoration, [...]

Governor Hogan’s FY 22 Budget Focuses on Education, Tax Relief, Economic Recovery2021-01-19T16:06:11-05:00

State Revenue Projections Up, But Still Less Than Pre-COVID Projections

The Board of Revenue Estimates (BRE) have unanimously approved revenue projections of $18.7 billion for FY 2021 and $19.7 billion for FY 2022. The FY 2021 forecast reflects a $1.4 billion increase (and a $2.1 billion increase for FY 2022) from unofficial estimates that the Board heard at a special nonvoting session in May to [...]

State Revenue Projections Up, But Still Less Than Pre-COVID Projections2020-09-30T08:08:20-04:00

Budget Committees Briefed on Budget Outlook and Reductions

The budget committees of the General Assembly, Senate Budget and Taxation and House Appropriations, received a budget update and briefing by the Department of Legislative Services (DLS) and Department of Budget and Management (DBM) on the State’s budget outlook for fiscal years 2021 and 2022, and reductions for fiscal year 2021. Using the more favorable [...]

Budget Committees Briefed on Budget Outlook and Reductions2020-07-10T14:52:58-04:00

Governor Hogan Proposes $1.45 Billion in Budget Cuts

Governor Hogan has proposed $1.45 billion in budget cuts across state government to offset revenue losses due to the coronavirus pandemic. Reductions include eliminating employee raises, cutting vacant positions and reducing funding for programs ranging from school security to prosecuting violent crime in Baltimore. The proposed changes were released in advance of a meeting Wednesday, [...]

Governor Hogan Proposes $1.45 Billion in Budget Cuts2020-06-29T20:16:01-04:00

Governor Hogan Introduces $46.6 Billion Budget Plan for Fiscal 2020

Governor Hogan recently introduced his budget plan for fiscal 2020. As reported by the Washington Post, The $46.6 billion budget proposal — a 4 percent increase over last year’s fiscal plan — raises the pay of state employees by at least 3 percent, extends a tax relief to the retired military, police officers and fire and [...]

Governor Hogan Introduces $46.6 Billion Budget Plan for Fiscal 20202020-04-02T20:58:19-04:00