Chase Brexton Names Natasha Mehu to Board of Directors

As reported in the Baltimore Business Journal, Natasha Mehu, Associate at Manis Canning & Associates, has been named to the Chase Brexton Health Care Board of Directors. Chase Brexton is a federally qualified health center that serves patients at 5 locations in Maryland. Its mission is to "provide compassionate and integrated high quality health care [...]

Chase Brexton Names Natasha Mehu to Board of Directors2023-10-30T17:34:13-04:00

South Baltimore Communities and Developers Partner on Historic Community Benefits Agreement

Over the next few years, six communities in South Baltimore will receive a historic $20M in funding through a community benefits agreement. Oversight of the funding will be handled by the SB7 Coalition Inc. a nonprofit whose members include Brooklyn, Cherry Hill, Curtis Bay, Lakeland, Mount Winans, Westport communities, and the Baltimore Peninsula developers. The [...]

South Baltimore Communities and Developers Partner on Historic Community Benefits Agreement2023-10-24T17:04:16-04:00

Senate President Announces Committee Leadership Changes

Ahead of the 2024 General Assembly session, Senate President Bill Ferguson has announced changes to Senate committee leadership and membership.  Notably, he has appointed Senator Pamela Beidle to chair the Finance Committee. Senator Beidle will replace Senator Melony Griffith who resigned to lead the Maryland Hospital Association. The appointments, noted in a letter to members of [...]

Senate President Announces Committee Leadership Changes2023-10-10T16:16:21-04:00

Senator Melony Griffith to Leave Maryland Senate to Lead Maryland Hospital Association

In an email message this afternoon, Senator Melony Griffith announced she will be leaving the Maryland Senate to become President and CEO of the Maryland Hospital Association. Senator Griffith has a 30 year career in public service and most recently served as Chair of the Senate Finance Committee. Below is the text from her email [...]

Senator Melony Griffith to Leave Maryland Senate to Lead Maryland Hospital Association2023-10-06T15:46:54-04:00

Johns Hopkins Showcase Series – Pediatric Trauma and Burn Programs

Johns Hopkins University & Medicine is hosting a showcase series on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 from 12:00 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. to highlight their Pediatric Trauma and Burn Center, the only such Center in the State. Speakers include: Dr. Erica Hodgman, Director, Pediatric Burn Program, JH Children's Center Dr. David Hackam, Surgeon-in-Chief, JH Children's Center [...]

Johns Hopkins Showcase Series – Pediatric Trauma and Burn Programs2023-10-03T11:31:44-04:00

Governor Moore Sends Message of Fiscal Discipline at MACo Conference

Attending his first MACo conference as Governor, Governor Moore delivered the keynote address during the closing session of the 2023 Maryland Association of Counties summer conference in Ocean City. His comments made it clear there would be some tough fiscal decisions in the next state budget to be debated during the 2024 General Assembly session. [...]

Governor Moore Sends Message of Fiscal Discipline at MACo Conference2023-08-21T12:00:57-04:00

Governor, First Lady, and Lt. Governor Attend Ravens Training Camp

The Baltimore Ravens and their President Sashi Brown, joined by Nick Manis and Joe Bryce of Manis Canning & Associates, hosted Governor Wes Moore, First Lady Dawn Moore, and Lt. Governor Aruna Miller at training camp on August 8. Manis Canning & Associates is proud of its longstanding relationship representing the Baltimore Ravens and would [...]

Governor, First Lady, and Lt. Governor Attend Ravens Training Camp2023-08-10T12:46:17-04:00

MD Commission on Transportation Revenue and Infrastructure Needs Established, First Meeting August 24

The Maryland Commission on Transportation Revenue and Infrastructure Needs was recently established to review and make recommendations to improve existing transportation revenues, investment decisions, and the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) operations, among others. The 31 member Commission created by Chapter 455, Acts of 2023, will be chaired by Frank Principe, Jr., with the University [...]

MD Commission on Transportation Revenue and Infrastructure Needs Established, First Meeting August 242023-08-08T08:50:14-04:00

Budget Deficit Looms According to Department of Legislative Services Report

A recent report released by the Department of Legislative Services indicates a looming budget deficit largely created by legislation passed during the most recent 90-day legislative session. The deficit projected in the report for fiscal 2028 exceeds $1 billion.  From a Maryland Matters article, It is now projected that the fiscal 2025 budget will start [...]

Budget Deficit Looms According to Department of Legislative Services Report2023-07-17T14:59:30-04:00

More Than 300 Bills Set to Take Effect July 1, 2023

More than 300 pieces of legislation are set to take effect tomorrow, July 1, 2023. Legislation taking effect on this date tends to be more fiscal related to coincide with the beginning of the fiscal year, but could also focus on important policy matters. Legislation taking effect July 1, 2023 One major piece of legislation [...]

More Than 300 Bills Set to Take Effect July 1, 20232023-06-30T12:59:32-04:00