Governor Wes Moore Introduces His Proposed State Budget for FY 2026 – Including Solutions to State’s Budget Problem and Plans to Spur Economic Growth

Governor Wes Moore presented his proposed Fiscal Year 2026 state budget for the Moore-Miller Administration this week. With a clear goal to encourage economic growth and manage the state’s $2.7 billion deficit, Gov. Moore’s proposal includes a plan to generate economic growth in Maryland and tax code reforms. These tax code reforms will increase individual [...]

Governor Wes Moore Introduces His Proposed State Budget for FY 2026 – Including Solutions to State’s Budget Problem and Plans to Spur Economic Growth2025-01-16T12:02:20-05:00

Revenue Projections Up Slightly, Still Facing Significant Shortfall

The Board of Revenue Estimates, which includes Comptroller Brooke Lierman, Treasurer Dereck Davis, and Budget Secretary Helene Grady, met recently to review December revenue projections for the current and upcoming fiscal year. While projections show a slight revenue increase, the budget gap is expected to grow to approximately $6 billion by fiscal 2030. Maryland is [...]

Revenue Projections Up Slightly, Still Facing Significant Shortfall2024-12-20T12:18:31-05:00

Governor Moore Addresses MACo – Proposes Blueprint Reforms and Executive Order to Expand Economic Growth

Gov. Moore addressed the Maryland Association of Counties in a solemn speech heavily acknowledging the financial position of the State of Maryland. Amidst noting the $2.7 billion dollar budget deficit, Governor Moore spoke to the strain on state government financial resources in part due to the current complex education reform plan, the Blueprint for Maryland’s [...]

Governor Moore Addresses MACo – Proposes Blueprint Reforms and Executive Order to Expand Economic Growth2024-12-20T11:19:52-05:00

Senate and House Budget Committees Set to Begin Negotiations, Resolve Spending Differences

As the General Assembly session moves into its final two weeks, the House and Senate must hash out the differences in their spending plans. The Senate, who approved its $63.1 billion version of the budget two weeks ago, used larger than expected capital gains taxes to offset the recent revenue write down, covered a $236 [...]

Senate and House Budget Committees Set to Begin Negotiations, Resolve Spending Differences2024-03-25T17:30:40-04:00

Taxes, Cuts, and Cost Shifts Potentially on the Table for 2024 Legislative Session

Executive and legislative leadership broached the hard subjects of potential tax increases, budget cuts, cost shifts, and other tough decisions that will need to be made as the state faces a structural budget shortfall at the 2024 MACo Winter Conference last week. An article in Maryland Matters offers key insights and quotes from the presentation. [...]

Taxes, Cuts, and Cost Shifts Potentially on the Table for 2024 Legislative Session2023-12-11T17:06:31-05:00

Budget Deficit Looms According to Department of Legislative Services Report

A recent report released by the Department of Legislative Services indicates a looming budget deficit largely created by legislation passed during the most recent 90-day legislative session. The deficit projected in the report for fiscal 2028 exceeds $1 billion.  From a Maryland Matters article, It is now projected that the fiscal 2025 budget will start [...]

Budget Deficit Looms According to Department of Legislative Services Report2023-07-17T14:59:30-04:00

2023 Joint Chairmen’s Report Summarizes Operating and Capital Budget Actions

The Department of Legislative Services recently released the 2023 Joint Chairmen's Report summarizing final budget actions taken on the State's operating and capital budget by the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee and the House Appropriations Committee.  House Bill 200 is the State operating budget, making appropriations for support of the State government, for aid to [...]

2023 Joint Chairmen’s Report Summarizes Operating and Capital Budget Actions2023-04-19T10:24:07-04:00

Governor Moore Takes Office – Releases Funding and Creates New Department of Service and Civic Innovation

In Governor Moore's first press conference as he took office last week, he announced the release of $69 million in funding approved by the General Assembly, but withheld by the administration of former Governor Hogan.  These funds will be used for several initiatives approved by the General Assembly in the fiscal year 2023 budget: $9 [...]

Governor Moore Takes Office – Releases Funding and Creates New Department of Service and Civic Innovation2023-01-22T16:16:07-05:00

Maryland Judge Finds Digital Ad Tax Unconstitutional

Anne Arundel County Circuit Court Judge Alison Asti held during an October 17 motions hearing in Comcast v. Comptroller that the state's tax violates the Internet Tax Freedom Act, the federal commerce clause, and the first amendment. Judge Asti concluded that digital advertising is similar to traditional advertising, finding that the tax was discriminatory under [...]

Maryland Judge Finds Digital Ad Tax Unconstitutional2022-10-19T12:39:51-04:00

Governor Hogan Announces $7.5 Million in Funding for Law Enforcement Agencies

Governor Larry Hogan announced $7.5 million in funding to law enforcement agencies in Police Accountability, Community, and Transparency (PACT) grants. The grants will be administered by the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services and will help provide funding for more body cameras, de-escalation training, and other critical tools to enhance community relationship [...]

Governor Hogan Announces $7.5 Million in Funding for Law Enforcement Agencies2022-06-08T11:18:57-04:00