State Writes Down Revenues, Still $1 Billion in Unspent Revenue Expected

The Board of Revenue Estimates voted this week to write down revenues by approximately $73 million - $18 million in fiscal 2019 and $55 million in fiscal 2020.  With this decrease, the State will still have more than $1 billion in unspent revenue as it approaches the 2019 General Assembly Session. From the Comptroller's prepared [...]

State Writes Down Revenues, Still $1 Billion in Unspent Revenue Expected2020-04-02T21:01:34-04:00

Governor Hogan Announces New School Construction Initiative

Governor Larry Hogan announced today plans to submit legislation during the 2019  General Assembly session to provide $1.9 billion in new school construction funding over five years. The initiative, called the Building Opportunity Fund, will give the Maryland Stadium Authority oversight of these additional school construction funds, and include accountability measures. The new funding will [...]

Governor Hogan Announces New School Construction Initiative2020-04-02T21:01:35-04:00

2019 Session Issue Papers Released

The 2019 Issue Papers, which preview fiscal and policy issues for the upcoming session, were recently posted to the General Assembly’s website. Prepared by the Department of Legislative Services each year at this time, they highlight key issues to be discussed and serve as a valuable resource for those in Annapolis. 2019 Issue Papers

2019 Session Issue Papers Released2020-04-02T21:01:36-04:00

President Miller Announces Senate Committee Assignments

Senate President Mike Miller has announced the committee composition for four of the Standing Committees for the 2019 Legislative Session. The announcement also includes Chairs of the joint committees, and the Chair and Vice-Chair appointments for Senate Rules and Executive Nominations. From the Senate President's announcement, Committee compositions are determined with an intent to balance [...]

President Miller Announces Senate Committee Assignments2020-04-02T21:01:36-04:00

Jennings and Hershey Re-elected as Minority Leader and Whip

Maryland Senate Republicans re-elected Senator J.B. Jennings as minority leader and Senator Steve Hershey as minority whip earlier this week. Jennings has led the Senate Republican Caucus since 2014, and Hershey has served as whip since 2015.                 Senator J. B. Jennings              [...]

Jennings and Hershey Re-elected as Minority Leader and Whip2020-04-02T21:01:38-04:00

Weissmann Named Chief of Staff to President Miller

Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr. announced Yaakov "Jake" Weissman, Esq. will serve as his chief of staff. Mr. Weissmann succeeds Patrick H. Murray, Esq., who is leaving to serve as chief of staff to Baltimore County Executive-Elect John "Johnny O" Olszewski, Jr. President Miller announced two additional promotions, including Alicia Watson, Esq. to [...]

Weissmann Named Chief of Staff to President Miller2020-04-02T21:01:39-04:00

Senator Craig Zucker Elected Chair Montgomery County Senate Delegation

 The Montgomery County Senate Delegation unanimously elected Senator Craig J. Zucker as its Chair during it organizational meeting on November 14, 2018.  Senator Susan Lee was elected to serve as Vice Chair. Senator Zucker commented on becoming Chair in the Delegation's press release. “I look forward to working with my Montgomery County Senate colleagues and the new [...]

Senator Craig Zucker Elected Chair Montgomery County Senate Delegation2020-04-02T21:01:40-04:00

Delegate Marc Korman Elected Chair Montgomery County House Delegation

 The Montgomery County House Delegation held an organizational meeting on November 8 to elect its new Chair and Vice Chair. Delegate Marc Korman was elected Chair and Delegate Al Carr was elected Vice Chair. The Delegation also determined Caucus representation. Delegate Ariana Kelly will serve as Caucus Chair and Delegate Jheanelle Wilkins will serve as [...]

Delegate Marc Korman Elected Chair Montgomery County House Delegation2020-04-02T21:01:41-04:00

Delegate Michael Jackson Elected Chair Prince George’s House Delegation

 The Prince George's County House Delegation met on November 14 to elect its officers for the upcoming session. Delegate Michael Jackson, D-Dist. 27 B was elected as the new Chair, to serve a two-year term succeeding Chair Jay Walker.  Delegate Alonzo Washington, D-Dist. 22, was elected First Vice Chair and Delegate Darryl Barnes, D-Dist. 25, [...]

Delegate Michael Jackson Elected Chair Prince George’s House Delegation2020-04-02T21:01:41-04:00