Effects of Federal Tax Law on State of Maryland

The Comptroller's Office recently released "THE 60-DAY REPORT - Effects of the Federal Tax Law Revisions on the State of Maryland." From the report and as reported by MarylandReporter.com, New federal tax laws will benefit most Marylanders in the short term and especially help those with children, but are likely to reduce charitable contributions, a comprehensive [...]

Effects of Federal Tax Law on State of Maryland2020-04-02T21:05:20-04:00

General Assembly Overrides Governor Veto of Paid Sick Leave

Both chambers of the General Assembly voted to override the Governor's veto of paid sick leave legislation that passed last session. The Senate voted earlier today 30 - 17 in favor of the override and the House voted 88 - 52. The legislation requires businesses with 15 or more employees, including part-timers working just 12 [...]

General Assembly Overrides Governor Veto of Paid Sick Leave2020-04-02T21:05:21-04:00

Delegate Frank Turner to Retire

 After 24 years of service, Delegate Frank Turner recently announced that he will not run for reelection to the House of Delegates. He represents District 13 in Howard County and serves as Vice Chair of the Ways and Means Committee. At the conclusion of his term, Delegate Turner plans to stay engaged in the education, [...]

Delegate Frank Turner to Retire2020-04-02T21:05:22-04:00

Dentons – US Policy Scan 2018

Dentons US LLP  recently released its 2018 Dentons 50 Policy Scan.  This document is a comprehensive nationwide overview of the most pressing issues facing federal, state, and local governments in the year ahead.  Compiled by Dentons US LLP and its national network of government affairs partners such as Manis Canning & Associates, we hope that you [...]

Dentons – US Policy Scan 20182020-04-02T21:05:22-04:00

Gruber Named Executive Director for Department of Legislative Services

Courtesy, University of Baltimore Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr. and House Speaker Michael E. Busch announced the appointment of Victoria L. Gruber, Esq. as the new Executive Director for the Department of Legislative Services (DLS), effective January 1, 2018.  Ms. Gruber has served as President Miller’s chief of staff since 2006 and [...]

Gruber Named Executive Director for Department of Legislative Services2020-04-02T21:05:26-04:00

Governor Hogan Announces Violent Crime Initiatives

Governor Hogan has announced a package of initiatives to curb  violent crime statewide, including targeted assistance for Baltimore City, truth-in-sentencing legislation, and intelligence sharing to combat gangs and criminal networks across Maryland. A Baltimore Sun article summarizes the initiatives. A new Governor’s Council on Gangs and Violent Criminal Networks made up of prosecutors and police [...]

Governor Hogan Announces Violent Crime Initiatives2020-04-02T21:05:27-04:00

2018 Session Issue Papers Released

The 2018 Issue Papers, which preview fiscal and policy issues for the upcoming session, were recently posted to the General Assembly's website. Prepared by the Department of Legislative Services each year at this time, they highlight key issues to be discussed and serve as a valuable resource for those in Annapolis. 2018 Issue Papers

2018 Session Issue Papers Released2020-04-02T21:05:28-04:00

Highlights From Annapolis – November Recap

Governor Hogan Proposes Alternate Paid Sick Leave Proposal Governor Hogan announced today that his Administration plans to introduce the Paid Leave Compromise Act of 2018 as emergency legislation on the first day of session. The bill, which would be phased in over three years, would apply to employers with 50 or more employees in 2018, employers [...]

Highlights From Annapolis – November Recap2020-04-02T21:05:28-04:00

Governor Hogan Proposes Alternate Paid Sick Leave Proposal

Governor Hogan announced today that his Administration plans to introduce the Paid Leave Compromise Act of 2018 as emergency legislation on the first day of session. The bill, which would be phased in over three years, would apply to employers with 50 or more employees in 2018, employers with 40 or more employees in 2019, and [...]

Governor Hogan Proposes Alternate Paid Sick Leave Proposal2020-04-02T21:05:29-04:00

Delegate Sally Jameson Announces She Will Not Seek Re-election

 In an email message to her Southern Maryland colleagues and friends, Delegate Sally Jameson announced she would not run for re-election. Her message indicates it was a tough decision, but one that is right for her and her family. Delegate Jameson was first elected to the House of Delegates in 2002 and currently serves as [...]

Delegate Sally Jameson Announces She Will Not Seek Re-election2020-04-02T21:05:29-04:00