Highlights From Annapolis

February 2017 General Assembly Overrides Governor’s Veto of Renewable Energy Bill The General Assembly overrode the Governors veto of a renewable energy bill which will require utility companies in Maryland to buy more energy from sources such as wind turbines, solar panels and hydroelectric dams. The Governor and GOP lawmakers objected to the cost to consumers. The [...]

Highlights From Annapolis2020-04-02T21:08:03-04:00

Highlights From Annapolis – 2017 Session Begins

January 2017 Hot Issues for the 2017 Session The 2017 session started on January 11 with members facing a budget deficit for fiscal 2018 and predictions of partisan politics. In addition to addressing the budget shortfall, lawmakers plan to tackle a number of issues over the next 90 days - requiring businesses to offer paid sick [...]

Highlights From Annapolis – 2017 Session Begins2020-04-02T21:09:08-04:00

Highlights From Annapolis

December 2016 Prefiled Bills Available on General Assembly Website Mid-Term Election Brings Member Changes to General Assembly Delegates Barbara Robinson and Will Smith have been appointed by Governor Hogan to fill two vacant seats in the Maryland Senate. Delegate Robinson is replacing former Senator Catherine Pugh, who was recently sworn in as the Mayor of [...]

Highlights From Annapolis2020-04-02T21:09:13-04:00

Highlights From Annapolis

November 2016 George N. Manis Honored With Lifetime Achievement Award George N. Manis, co-founder of Manis Canning and Associates, was honored by the Maryland Government Relations Association for his more than 40 year career in Annapolis, in which he was an effective advocate for his many clients as well as a mentor for many younger lobbyists. Nick [...]

Highlights From Annapolis2020-04-02T21:09:14-04:00

Highlights From Annapolis – October 2016

October 2016 Governor Larry Hogan Names New Chief of Staff Governor Larry Hogan announced the appointment of Sam Malhotra as his new Chief of Staff, effective October 26. Malhotra will be replacing current Chief of Staff, Craig Williams, who has accepted a senior level position at Johns Hopkins. Malhotra currently serves as Secretary of the Maryland [...]

Highlights From Annapolis – October 20162020-04-02T21:09:15-04:00

Highlights From Annapolis – September 2016

September 2016 Governor Hogan Signs Executive Order Requiring Schools to Begin After Labor Day Governor Hogan issued an Executive Order requiring public schools to begin school after Labor Day and complete the year by June 15 beginning with the 2017 school year. The Governor’s press release indicates that the change in the start date will [...]

Highlights From Annapolis – September 20162020-04-02T21:09:16-04:00

Highlights From Annapolis – August 2016

August 2016 Welcome to the first edition of Highlights From Annapolis, Manis Canning & Associates (MCA)'s new monthly web publication highlighting current issues and meetings taking place in Annapolis. Each month a new publication will be posted to MCA's website and it will be emailed directly to our clients. We hope you find this communication [...]

Highlights From Annapolis – August 20162020-04-02T21:09:17-04:00