Governor Hogan Announces Financial Relief for Business, Funding for Affordable Housing, and Other Assistance

Joined by the Secretary of Housing and Community Development Ken Holt and Secretary of Commerce Kelly Schulz, Governor Hogan announced today efforts to provide financial relief for business, funding for affordable housing, assistance to treat Marylanders with diabetes, and provide additional funds for law enforcement, youth services, and victim services. A Baltimore Sun article describes [...]

Governor Hogan Announces Financial Relief for Business, Funding for Affordable Housing, and Other Assistance2020-12-10T17:32:11-05:00

Anne Arundel County Executive Bars Indoor and Outdoor Dining, Further Limits Retail Capacity

Anne Arundel County Executive Stuart Pittman announced today the halting of indoor and outdoor dining and tighter capacity restrictions for retail stores, fitness centers, casinos, nail and hair salons. These actions will be in effect for four weeks starting Wednesday, December 16 at 5 p.m. until Wednesday, January 13 at 8 a.m. Capacity at retail [...]

Anne Arundel County Executive Bars Indoor and Outdoor Dining, Further Limits Retail Capacity2020-12-10T14:43:33-05:00

Governor Announces Effort to Mobilize a Medical Staffing Surge

Governor Hogan announced today, in partnership with the Maryland Hospital Association, efforts to mobilize a medical staffing surge to assist with treating COVID-19 patients. During his remarks, the Governor expressed concern that hospitalizations, which have increased by 51%, are overburdening our hospitals and negatively affecting workers. These efforts will address possible shortages of health care [...]

Governor Announces Effort to Mobilize a Medical Staffing Surge2020-12-01T17:50:45-05:00

Governor Hogan Announces New Statewide Limits on Hospitals, Restaurants, Retail, and Other Establishments

Governor Hogan held a press conference this afternoon to set further restrictions on hospitals, restaurants, retail, and other establishments. The Governor stated that Maryland is now in the red zone. The State has gone 13 straight days with more than 1,000 new cases being reported each day. Maryland's positivity rate is now 6.85% in 20 [...]

Governor Hogan Announces New Statewide Limits on Hospitals, Restaurants, Retail, and Other Establishments2020-11-17T15:50:27-05:00

Governor Hogan Announces $70 Million in New COVID-19 Emergency Response Initiatives   During a press conference this afternoon Governor Hogan announced an additional $70 million to be used for emergency response initiatives to battle COVID-19. Federal CARES funding is being released to fund these initiatives. The $70 million is being allocated as follows: $20 million to continue to build and maintain the state's strategic stockpile [...]

Governor Hogan Announces $70 Million in New COVID-19 Emergency Response Initiatives2020-11-12T17:25:36-05:00

Prince George’s County Joining Other Jurisdictions in Imposing Stricter COVID-19 Restrictions Prince George's County Executive Angela Alsobrooks has joined other local jurisdictions in imposing stricter COVID-19 restrictions as case loads continue to increase across the State. Restrictions, which take effect Sunday at 5 p.m., are similar to those imposed in Anne Arundel County and Baltimore City. The order does the following (Press Releaseand Health Directive): [...]

Prince George’s County Joining Other Jurisdictions in Imposing Stricter COVID-19 Restrictions2020-11-13T14:35:33-05:00

Baltimore City, Anne Arundel and Montgomery Counties Announce COVID-19 Restrictions

Governor Hogan announced the tightening of capacity for in-door dining and strongly advised against out-of-state travel and large gatherings during a press conference earlier this week. Three jurisdictions, Baltimore City and Anne Arundel and Montgomery Counties, have announced more stringent COVID-19 restrictions under Governor Hogan's community-based approach that empowers individual jurisdictions to impose more strict [...]

Baltimore City, Anne Arundel and Montgomery Counties Announce COVID-19 Restrictions2020-11-12T12:17:43-05:00

Governor Hogan Tightens Capacity For Indoor Dining; Strongly Warns Against Out-of-State Travel and Large Gatherings Governor Hogan announced today that effective 5 pm, tomorrow, Wednesday November 11, indoor dining capacity at restaurants across the State will drop from 75% to 50%. Restrictions limiting parties to no more than 6, prohibiting standing in bars and requiring all patrons to be seated remain in place. Updated Executive Order The Governor also [...]

Governor Hogan Tightens Capacity For Indoor Dining; Strongly Warns Against Out-of-State Travel and Large Gatherings2020-11-10T18:50:15-05:00

2020 Election Round Up – Presidential, State and Local Races

While ballots continue to be counted in several states, Maryland's races have largely been decided. Details below summarize the outcome of major races. As reported by the Baltimore Sun, Vice President Joe Biden easily won the Maryland Presidential Race. "The state has not voted Republican in a presidential election in 32 years." Congressional incumbents also [...]

2020 Election Round Up – Presidential, State and Local Races2020-11-04T11:30:57-05:00