Governor Hogan Outlines Action for Poultry Industry, Nursing Homes

Governor Hogan outlined actions to assist the hard hit poultry industry on Maryland’s eastern shore and issued an Executive Order to require universal testing at nursing homes and assisted living facilities across the state during a press conference on April 29.  There are currently 262 lab confirmed cases associated with the poultry industry which is [...]

Governor Hogan Outlines Action for Poultry Industry, Nursing Homes2020-04-30T14:56:21-04:00

2020 Maryland General Assembly Wrap Up Report

Courtesy Baltimore Sun The 2020 Maryland General Assembly Legislative Session adjourned early for the first time since the Civil War, ending on March 18 instead of April 6 due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Of the more than 3,200 bills introduced, approximately 680 passed. Most of these passed over the last few days of [...]

2020 Maryland General Assembly Wrap Up Report2020-04-06T12:38:26-04:00

COVID-19 Updates and Important Links

As announced on Monday, Governor Hogan issued a stay-at-home order to stop the spread of the coronavirus. The order took effect at 8 pm Monday evening and no one is to leave their home for any reason other than essential work, to get food or other fundamental reason. Gatherings, Stay-at-Home Executive Order Interpretive Guidance – [...]

COVID-19 Updates and Important Links2020-04-06T12:43:29-04:00

Governor Hogan Issues Stay-At-Home Order At a press conference earlier today Governor Hogan issued a stay-at-home order to stop the spread of the coronavirus. The order takes effect at 8 pm this evening. Under this order, no one is to leave their home for any reason other than essential work, to get food or other fundamental reason. Executive order [...]

Governor Hogan Issues Stay-At-Home Order2020-04-02T20:34:11-04:00

Governor Hogan Announces Closure of All Non-Essential Businesses

Governor Hogan announced earlier today the closure of all non-essential businesses in Maryland. This order, which takes effect at 5 p.m. today, does not include essential or critical industries as defined by the federal government: health care, law enforcement, emergency workers, food, energy, water, transportation, public works, communications, government, critical manufacturing, financial services, chemicals and [...]

Governor Hogan Announces Closure of All Non-Essential Businesses2020-04-02T20:34:13-04:00

Delegate Alice Cain Resigns

The day after Sine Die Delegate Alice Cain announced her resignation from the Maryland General Assembly due to family circumstances. Delegate Cain represented District 30A, which includes Annapolis. A reported by Maryland Matters, “My family circumstances have changed in unforeseen and unfortunate ways in recent months — well before COVID-19,” Cain wrote in a letter [...]

Delegate Alice Cain Resigns2020-04-02T20:34:14-04:00

General Assembly to Adjourn Wednesday

The presiding officers announced today the General Assembly will adjourn Wednesday, March 18 due to the COVID-19 outbreak. As reported by Maryland Matters, The decision to adjourn “didn’t come lightly,” both House Speaker Adrienne A. Jones (D-Baltimore County) and Senate President Bill Ferguson (D-Baltimore City) said during an afternoon news conference in the Miller Senate [...]

General Assembly to Adjourn Wednesday2020-04-02T20:34:15-04:00

Lisa Belcastro Sworn Into House of Delegates

Lisa  Belcastro was recently sworn into the House of Delegates representing District 11 in Baltimore County. Belcastro works for Prince George’s County Schools as an adapted physical education teacher and also as an aide for Baltimore County Councilman Israel “Izzy” Patoka, Belcastro will serve on the House Environment and Transportation Committee. Maryland Matters Governor Hogan [...]

Lisa Belcastro Sworn Into House of Delegates2020-04-02T20:34:16-04:00

Junior Achievement to Open New Headquarters in Lansdowne

Junior Achievement of Central Maryland recently announced it will open a new headquarters in Lansdowne to house and scale up its student-focused programs. Junior Achievement is a volunteer-based nonprofit offering students in kindergarten through 12th grade courses in entrepreneurship, financial literacy and work readiness. As reported by the Baltimore Sun, The new facility will more [...]

Junior Achievement to Open New Headquarters in Lansdowne2020-04-02T20:34:18-04:00

Betty Buck Receives NBWA Life Service Award

Manis Canning & Associates congratulates Betty Buck, President of Buck Distributing Company, on receiving the National Beer Wholesalers Association (NBWA) Life Service Award. Throughout #WomensHistoryMonth NBWA is celebrating the accomplishments of women in the beer distribution industry.

Betty Buck Receives NBWA Life Service Award2020-04-02T20:34:19-04:00