General Assembly Photo

Governor Hogan announced he has appointed Delegate Andrew Cassilly as his new Special Adviser. Cassilly is replacing Keiffer Mitchell who was recently appointed to the role of chief legislative officer.

From the Governor’s Press Release,

“Andrew Cassilly has an exceptional record of service to the State of Maryland, from his tenure in the Maryland National Guard to his years of leadership in Maryland public schools and the House of Delegates,” said Governor Hogan. “His strong judgement and wealth of expertise on education, environmental, and transportation issues will be invaluable to our team, especially during the upcoming legislative session.”

“It is of course a difficult decision to leave the General Assembly, but I could not pass up the opportunity to help advance the governor’s bold agenda for Maryland,” said Delegate Cassilly. “I want to thank the governor for this exciting opportunity, and I look forward to joining his team as we prepare for the legislative session.”

Delegate Cassilly represents District 35B in the House of Delegates where he serves on the Ways and Means Committee.

The Manis Canning team looks forward to working with him in his new role.