Maryland State Delegate Warren Miller (District 9A – Carroll and Howard Counties) has announced his resignation from the House of Delegates, effective December 30, 2020. Delegate Miller, who sits on the House Economic Matters Committee, has served as a state delegate since 2003.

From Delegate Miller’s Resignation Letter,

After proudly serving for seventeen years in the Maryland House of Delegates, I have decided that it is time to refocus my efforts on my professional career. From the time of my appointment by Gov Robert Ehrlich, I have had a successful and rewarding tenure as a Delegate. I have truly cherished the opportunity to represent the residents of Maryland Legislative District 9A (Carroll & Howard Counties). Serving my constituents on prominent issues and voting their values have been cornerstones of my legislative career.

I was fortunate to sponsor the legislation that created the State’s funding transparency website. I collaborated with many community groups over concerns regarding safety issues for Maryland Route 32. I am satisfied that these efforts led to the dualization of Route 32 Recently, I was fortunate to work with Senator Ben Kramer in the creation of the Maryland Alcohol and Tobacco Commission.

I am hopeful that my replacement will bring new energy and vigor to my vacant position and continue to advocate for fiscal sanity and to protect Maryland Small Business from harmful laws and regulations.

My resignation is effective end of the day, December 30, 2020.

Maryland Reporter Article