Governor Moore recently announced the appointment of Dorothy Lennig as Executive Director of the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services.

“Building a state where everyone feels safe will take close partnership, collaboration, and the strategic allocation of resources,” said Gov. Moore. “Dorothy has the experience and leadership to bring together voices from across Maryland to develop and implement a statewide strategy to reduce violence, support victims, and build stronger, safer communities. I’m so pleased that she has answered the call to serve and be a part of my administration.”

The Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services is a coordinating office that is responsible for managing and distributing federal and state grant funds and resources to improve public safety in Maryland. The office plans, promotes, and funds efforts with government entities, private organizations, and the community to advance public policy, enhance public safety, reduce crime and juvenile delinquency, and serve victims.

Ms. Lenning was an attorney at the House of Ruth Domestic Violence Legal Clinic for 35 years, serving as the director of the Legal Clinic since 1994 and also as lead legislative advocate and liaison to the Maryland General Assembly.

In addition, Lennig is the vice chair of the Governor’s Family Violence Council and past chair of the Maryland State Bar Association’s Family and Juvenile Law Section Council, Baltimore City Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team, and past co-chair of the Bar Association of Baltimore City’s Family Law Committee and its Task Force on the Effect of Domestic Violence on Children.

Governor’s Press Release