Maryland Democratic Party
June 22, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Maryland Democratic Party Gala 2023
Honoring: Congressman Steny Hoyer
Martin’s West
6817 Dogwood Road
Baltimore, Maryland
*Tickets must be purchased in advance*
Date & Time:
Thursday, June 22nd
6:30 p.m.
Gold Sponsor: $10,000 (10 tickets with premiere seating-6 tickets to VIP Reception-Full Pg program ad)
Silver Sponsor: $5,000 (10 tickets-4 tickets to VIP Reception-1/2 Pg program ad)
Bronze Sponsor: $3,000 (10 tickets-2 tickets to VIP Reception-1/4 Pg program ad)
VIP Guest: $1,000 (1 ticket-1 ticket to VIP Reception)
Guest: $275 (1 ticket)
Maryland Democratic Party
Devang Shah, Treasurer
275 West Street, Suite 70
Annapolis, MD 21401
For more information:
Contact Jamie Conway at jconway@mddems.org