Spring into Summer House Speaker Adrienne Jones, District 10 Location: Overhills Mansion 916 South Rolling Road Catonsville, MD 21228 Date & Time: Thursday, June 8th 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Cost/Tickets: Summer Solstice Sponsor: $2,500 Picnic Patron: $1,000 Garden Guest: $500 RSVP/Donate: bit.ly/JonesJune8 Citizens for Adrienne Jones Arnold Jablon, Treasurer c/o Rice Consulting 17 W Courtland [...]
Fundraiser Delegate Marc Korman, District 16 House Appropriations Committee Special Guest: Comptroller Brooke Lierman Location: Conway Residence 10600 River Road Potomac, MD Date & Time: Saturday, June 10th 1:00 p.m. Cost/Tickets: Golden Gloves: $250 Silver Sluggers: $100 General Admission: $50 Young Democrats: $25 RSVP/Donate: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/korman2023 Friends of Marc Korman Mark Brown, Treasurer 7104 Exeter Road [...]
Art & Wine: An Evening of Culture Senator Ron Watson, District 23 Senate Education, Energy and the Environment Committee Location: Overdue Recognition Art Gallery 15402 Emerald Way Bowie, MD Date & Time: Tuesday, June 13th 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Cost/Tickets: $2,500 $1,000 $500 $250 RSVP/Donate: secure.actblue.com/donate/eveningofculture Friends of Ron Watson Sean L. Osborne, Treasurer c/o [...]
Breakfast Reception Senator Dawn Gile, District 33 Senate Finance Committee Location: Harry Browne's 66 State Circle Annapolis, MD Date & Time: Wednesday, June 14th 8:00 - 9:30 a.m. Cost/Tickets: Break of Dawn Host: $1,000 Daylight Patron: $500 Early Bird Sponsor: $250 Rise & Shine Guest: $125 RSVP/Donate: dawngile.com Committee to Elect Dawn Gile Cara O'Brien, [...]
Pizza in the Park Delegate Jessica Feldmark, District 12A House Ways and Means Committee Location: Rockburn Branch Park 6105 Rockburn Branch Park Road Elkridge, MD 21075 Date & Time: Wednesday, June 14th 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Cost/Tickets: Host: $2,000 Sponsor: $1,000 Patron: $500 Supporter: $250 Ticket: $25 RSVP/Donate: www.jessicafeldmark.com/park Friends of Jessica Feldmark Patrick Croushler, [...]
Reception Delegate Regina Boyce, District 43A House Environment and Transportation Committee Location: Terra Cafe 101 E. 25th Street Baltimore, MD Date & Time: Wednesday, June 14th 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Cost/Tickets: Host: $1,000 Sponsor: $500 Organizer: $250 Advocate: $100 Neighbor: $43 Community: $23 RSVP/Donate: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/boyce614 Friends of Regina T. Boyce Lindsey D. Hedrick, Treasurer 3511 [...]
Reception Delegate Courtney Watson, District 9B House Transportation and Environment Committee Location: Little Market Cafe 3731 Hamilton Street Ellicott City, MD **Park in Lot D** Date & Time: Tuesday, June 20th 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. Cost/Tickets: Rainbow: $2,500 Beachy: $1,000 Snowcone: $500 Lightning Bug: $250 Sunny Day: $100 District 9B Resident: $25 RSVP/Donate: www.courtneywatson9b.com/june20 Friends […]
Reception Senator Mary Washington, District 43 Senate Education, Energy, and Environmental Committee Location: Miller's Court 2601 Howard St. Baltimore, MD 21218 Date & Time: Tuesday, June 20th 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Cost/Tickets: Powerhouse: $1,000 Generator: $500 Conductor: $250 Energizer: $100 RSVP/Donate: https://bit.ly/millerscourtreception People Uniting to Elect Mary Washington Joseph Palumbo, Treasurer 711 W 40th, Suite […]
Maryland Democratic Party Gala 2023 Honoring: Congressman Steny Hoyer Location: Martin’s West 6817 Dogwood Road Baltimore, Maryland *Tickets must be purchased in advance* Date & Time: Thursday, June 22nd 6:30 p.m. Tickets/Cost: Gold Sponsor: $10,000 (10 tickets with premiere seating-6 tickets to VIP Reception-Full Pg program ad) Silver Sponsor: $5,000 (10 tickets-4 tickets to VIP Reception-1/2 Pg […]
42nd Birthday Bash Delegate Kevin Hornberger, District 35B House Ways and Means Committee Location: Lee's Landing Dock Bar 600 Rowland Drive Port Deposit, MD 21904 Date & Time: Thursday, June 22nd 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Cost/Tickets: Benefactor: $4,200 Sponsor: $420 Individual: $42 RSVP/Donate: secure.anedot.com/friends-of-kevin-hornberger/bday42 Friends of Kevin Hornberger Betty Stehman, Treasurer 260 Lums Road North […]
Cocktails @ the Carriage House Senator Jason Gallion, District 35 Senate Education, Energy and the Environment Committee Location: Carriage House 80 S. Main Street Port Deposit, MD Date & Time: Friday, June 23rd 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Cost/Tickets: Platinum: $2,500 Gold: $1,000 Silver: $500 Tickets: $100 RSVP/Donate: jasongallion.com/cocktails Friends of Jason Gallion Sonya Gallion, Treasurer […]
Cocktails @ the Carriage House Senator Steve Hershey, District 36 Senate Finance Committee Location: Carriage House 80 S. Main Street Port Deposit, MD Date & Time: Friday, June 23rd 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Cost/Tickets: Platinum: $2,500 Gold: $1,000 Silver: $500 Tickets: $100 RSVP/Donate: https://secure.anedot.com/senatorhershey/2023CecilEvent Friends of Steve Hershey James Appel, Treasurer 104 Wye View Road […]
Post-Legislative Session Recap (Bonus: State of the Pregnancy) Delegate Chris Tomlinson, District 5 House Judiciary Committee Location: O'Lordan's Irish Pub 14 Liberty Street Westminster, MD Date & Time: Saturday, June 24th 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Cost/Tickets: Toddler Sponsor: $1,000 Infant Sponsor: $500 Newborn Sponsor: $250 Per Person: $50 RSVP/Donate: TomlinsonforDelgate.com Friends of Christopher Tomlinson Aaron […]
Campaign Replenishment Senator Bryan Simonaire, District 31 Senate Education, Energy and the Environmental Committee RSVP/Donate: www.Simonaire.com Citizens for Bryan Simonaire Steve Kirchner, Treasurer PO Box 948 Annapolis, MD 21404
Breakfast Delegate Adrian Boafo, District 23 House Economic Matter Committee Location: Miss Shirley's Café 1 Park Place Annapolis, MD Date & Time: Tuesday, June 27th 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. Cost/Tickets: Gold: $1,000 Silver: $500 Bronze: $250 Supporter: $100 RSVP/Donate: Friends of Adrian Boafo Derrick Mondowney, Jr., Treasurer 17205 Russet Drive Bowie, MD 20716 For more […]
Evening Reception Senator Brian Feldman, District 15 Senate Education, Energy & the Environment Committee Location: Harry Browne's 66 State Circle Annapolis, MD Date & Time: Tuesday, June 27th 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Cost/Tickets: Host: $1,000 Sponsor: $500 Friend: $250 RSVP/Donate: http://brianjfeldman.com/contribute Citizens for Brian Feldman Elaine Garson, Treasurer PO Box 34408 Bethesda, MD 20827 For […]
Reception Senator Katie Fry Hester, District 9 Senate Education Energy & Environment Committee Location: Red Red Wine Bar 189 B Main Street Annapolis, MD 21401 Date & Time: Tuesday, June 27th 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Cost/Tickets: Host: $2,500 Sponsor: $1,000 Champion: $500 Supporter: $250 Guest: $100 RSVP/Donate: secure.actblue.com/donate/hesterjune27 Friends of Katie Fry Hester Margaret Connor, […]
Fundraiser Senator Charles Sydnor,III - District 44 Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee Location: Forest Park Golf Course 2900 Hillsdale Road Baltimore, MD Date & Time: Wednesday, June 28th 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Cost/Tickets: $1,000 $500 $250 $125 RSVP/Donate: events@karenmillerconsulting.com or (443) 869-3582 Citizens for Charles E. Sydnor, III C. Edward Sydnor, Jr, Treasurer P.O. Box 47397 […]
Fundraiser Delegate Terri Hill, District 12A House Health and Government Operations Committee Location: The 3rd 10215 Wincopin Circle Columbia, MD 21044 Date & Time: Wednesday, June 28th 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Cost/Tickets: Host: $1,000 Sponsor: $500 Ally: $250 Patron: $100 Friend: $50 RSVP/Donate: secure.actblue.com/donate/hill628 Friends of Terri Hill Arlene Harrison, Treasurer 4523 Mustering Drum Ellicott […]
Re-Election Campaign Donation Delegate Steve Johnson, District 34A House Health and Government Operations Committee RSVP/Donate: www.friendsofstevejohnson.com Friends of Steve Johnson Julie Johnson, Treasurer 305 Fords Lane Aberdeen, MD 21001