Past Fundraisers
Friends of Pam Beidle
Hotel at Arundel Preserve 7795 Arundel Mills Blvd, HanoverBreakfast Reception Senator Pamela Beidle - District 32 Senate Finance Committee Location: The Hotel at Arundel Preserve 7795 Arundel Mills Blvd. Hanover, MD 21076 Date & Time: Tuesday, October 4th 8:00 - 9:30 a.m. Cost/Tickets: Gold: $5,000 Silver: $2,500 Bronze: $1,000 Guest: $250 RSVP/Donate: (case sensitive) Friends of Pam Beidle Leonard Beidle, Treasurer c/o Rice [...]
Friends of Benjamin Brooks
Martin's West 6817 Dogwood Road, BaltimoreFundraiser Delegate Ben Brooks, District 10 ... Democratic Nominee for State Senate House Economic Matters Committee Location: Martin's West 6817 Dogwood Road Baltimore, MD 21244 Date: Tuesday, October 4th 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Cost/Tickets: VIP: $6,000 Sponsor: $1,000 Host: $500 Guest: $250 Friend: $100 RSVP/Donate: Friends of Benjamin Brooks 8419 Liberty Road Baltimore, MD [...]
Wes Moore for Maryland
Shah Residence PotomacReception Wes Moore Democratic Nominee for Governor Location: Shah Residence Potomac, MD *Address and arrival details provided upon RSVP* Date & Time: Tuesday, October 4th 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Cost/Tickets: Co-Host: $3,000 RSVP/Donate: Wes Moore for Maryland Mary Tydings, Treasurer For more information: Shelby Friedman at