UPDATED – Friends of Andrea Harrison

Red Red Wine Bar 189-B Main Street, Annapolis, MD, United States

Happiest Hour Delegate Andrea Harrison, District 24 House Economic Matters Committee Location: Red Red Wine Bar 189-B Main Street Annapolis, MD Date & Time: Tuesday, January 7th 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Cost/Tickets: Aroma: $1,000 Balance: $500 Crisp: $250 Full: $125 RSVP/Donate: Friends of Andrea Harrison Charles Harrison, Treasurer c/o Rice Consulting 17 W. Courtland Street, [...]

Friends of Ben Barnes

Harry Browne's Restaurant 66 State Circle, Annapolis, MD, United States

Pre-Session Event Delegate Ben Barnes, District 21 House Appropriations Committee Location: Harry Browne's 66 State Circle Annapolis, MD Date & Time: Tuesday, January 7th 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Cost/Tickets: Sponsor: $4,000 Host: $2,500 Friend: $1,000 Guest: $500 RSVP/Donate: bit.ly/barnespresession25 Friends of Ben Barnes J. Burke Miller, Treasurer Adeo Advocacy 711 W. 40th, Suite 330 Baltimore, [...]

Friends of Jeffrie Long

Dry 85 193 Main Street, Annapolis, MD, United States

Pre-Session Send-Off Delegate Jeffrie Long, Jr., District 27B House Environment and Transportation Committee Location: Dry 85 193 B Main Street Annapolis, MD Date: Tuesday, January 7th 6:00 p.m. Cost/Tickets: Sponsor: $2,700 Champion: $1,000 Friend: $500 Supporter: $270 Guest: $100 RSVP/Donate: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/jlongpresession Friends of Jeffrie Long Burton Sherbert, Treasurer PO Box 333 Cheltenham, MD 20623 For [...]

POSTPONED TO 2026!!! – Women Legislators of Maryland Foundation, Inc.

Governor Calvert House 58 State Circle, Annapolis, MD, United States

Opening Reception 2025 Women Legislators of Maryland Foundation, Inc. Location: Governor Calvert House 58 State Circle Annapolis, MD Date & Time: POSTPONED TO 2026 Cost/Tickets: 53rd Anniversary Host: $5,000 Mary Risteau Host: $2,500 Verda Welcome Patron: $1,250 Rosalie Abrams Sponsor: $500 Individual Reservation: $125 RSVP/Donate: womenlegislatorsmd.org/events-2025 Women Legislators of Maryland Foundation, Inc. c/o Rice Consulting [...]

Friends of Joseline Pena-Melnyk

Harry Browne's Restaurant 66 State Circle, Annapolis, MD, United States

Pre-Session Reception Delegate Joseline Pena-Melnyk, District 21 House Health and Government Operations Committee Location: Harry Browne's 66 State Circle Annapolis, MD Date & Time: Tuesday, January 7th 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Cost/Tickets: Host: $3,000 Sponsor: $2,000 Supporter: $1,000 Friend: $500 Guest: $250 RSVP/Donate: http://secure.actblue.com/donate/joseline Friends of Joseline Pena-Melnyk Markian Melnyk, Treasurer For more information: Email: [...]

Friends of Dana Stein

Maryland Inn 16 Church Circle, Annapolis, MD, United States

Reception - featuring the return of Kumar the Magnificent Delegate Dana Stein, District 11B House Environment and Transportation Committee Location: Maryland Inn 16 Church Circle Annapolis, MD Date & Time: Tuesday, January 7th 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Cost/Tickets: Host: $2,500 Sponsor: $1,000 Patron: $500 Supporter: $250 Guest: $125 RSVP/Donate: bit.ly/steinpresession24 Friends of Dana Stein Benjamin Guthorn, [...]