County Executive Marc Elrich announced that he will nominate former Senator Richard Madaleno as the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) for Montgomery County. Madaleno’s nomination follows the resignation of Andrew Kleine, who has served as CAO for the first 20 months of the Elrich Administration. Madaleno will begin serving as acting CAO on Aug. 16.

Madaleno, who currently serves as the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, has a long career as an elected representative for Montgomery County in the Maryland General Assembly. He served from 2003-2007 in the Maryland House of Delegates and from 2007 to 2019 as a State Senator representing District 18.  While in the Senate, Madaleno was the Vice Chair of the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee.

From the County Executive’s Press Release,

“Rich is trusted by community groups and policymakers throughout the County and  State for his leadership skills and budgeting acumen, which will serve the County well as we face the most significant challenges of our generation,” said Elrich. “I am confident that his experience and expertise will help my administration deliver on my promise to build a healthy, well-functioning, innovative, equitable and inclusive community for all of our residents.”

Former Senator Madaleno’s nomination must be approved by the County Council. That is expected when the Council returns from its summer recess in September.

County Council Statement
Bethesda Beat Article