Roadmap to Recovery - Maryland StrongGovernor Hogan held a press conference on May 6 joined by State Superintendent of Schools, Karen Salmon, where it was announced that schools would remain closed for the remainder of the school year. Governor Hogan also announced the resumption of elective medical procedures and the broadening of outdoor activities under the stay at home order.

Governor Hogan began his remarks by outlining actions taken to achieve the four essential building blocks in “Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery.” He said testing, surge capacity and personal protective equipment has been expanded, and a robust program of contact tracing is in place. He also said we are seeing encouraging trends in hospitalizations and commitments to the ICU.

Given these actions and encouraging trends, Governor Hogan announced that as of 7 a.m. May 7 restrictions on outdoor activities will be eased. Individuals will now be able to resume lower risk outdoor activities such as golf, tennis, outdoor fitness instruction, recreational fishing and boating, and other similar activities. In addition, state parks and beaches will be open for walking and exercise.  However, the Governor emphasized the need to continue all health precautions and follow public health guidance to keep everyone safe.

Governor’s Press Release
Amended Stay at Home Order
Guidance for Outdoor Activities
Guidance for Reopening Golf Courses
Guidance for Reopening Marinas

In addition to announcing the closure of schools for the remainder of the school year, Superintendent Salmon announced a comprehensive long-term recovery plan called “Maryland Together: Recovery Plan for Education.” In her remarks, Salmon said the Plan will not be prescriptive, but will lay out options and best practices from available research. She said local school systems will have the flexibility to implement activities based on what is occurring in their jurisdictions. For example, once the state enters stage 2, school systems could bring students together in small groups to address specific needs.  She said a full return to school would not occur until the State enters stage 3.

Watch the Press Conference
View Slides from the Press Conference

Emergency orders and proclamations are available here. Read the “Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery.”