Governor Hogan announced today additional actions and steps to accelerate the Coronavirus vaccine rollout. These actions include the issuance of an executive order requiring all vaccine providers to report data on the state’s site, Immunet, within 24 hours and activating teams of Maryland National Guard members to provide support to county health departments with vaccination administration.

The Governor commented, “While none of us are thrilled with the pace of this rollout over the first couple of weeks, I can assure you that it is improving every day.”

Priority populations for vaccinations have also been expanded. Phase 1A has been expanded to include all licensed, registered, and certified healthcare providers. Vaccinations will also soon be underway for correctional officers, law enforcement agencies, and front line judiciary workers. The expanded Phase 1B includes all Marylanders age 75 and older, special needs group homes, high-risk inmates, developmentally disabled populations, continuity of government vaccinations, as well as teachers, child care, and education staff. The new Phase 1C now includes all Marylanders ages 65-74, and workers in other critical sectors, including grocery stores, public transit, agriculture production, and manufacturing. The updated Phase 2 includes Marylanders ages 16-64 who are at increased risk of COVID-19 illness due to comorbidities, as well as essential workers in critical utilities and other sectors.

More specific details can be found in the Governor’s Press Release.

Executive Order