In a press conference this week, Governor Hogan announced his education initiatives for the upcoming General Assembly Session. These initiatives include a plan to turn around low performing schools and a major investment in school construction projects.

From the Governor’s Press Release,

“We are here today to launch the next chapter of education reform in Maryland, which will provide increased investment for our schools, more accountability for Maryland parents, teachers, and taxpayers, and most importantly, help to achieve better results for our children,” said Governor Hogan. “Education has been, and will continue to be, our administration’s highest priority, because I believe very strongly that every single child in Maryland deserves a world-class education, regardless of what neighborhood they happen to grow up in.”

Community and Local Accountability for Struggling Schools (CLASS) Act
Modeled after Massachusetts, the CLASS Act will identify low performing schools or “innovative” schools to be given flexibility to develop a turnaround plan. Full funding would still be provided, but benchmarks would be established to monitor progress to hold schools accountable.

Building Opportunity Act
The Governor will re-introduce the Building Opportunity Act, which provides a record $3.8 billion for school construction funding over five years. This initiative closely models the 21st Century School Buildings Program currently underway in Baltimore City.

Press Coverage
Baltimore Sun
The Daily Record
Washington Post