During his closing address at the Maryland Association of Counties annual summer conference, Governor Hogan announced the issuance of an Executive Order to repeal PlanMaryland and create a new State Development Plan. From the Governor’s press release,

“As I have traveled across Maryland, local elected officials have repeatedly asked for a plan that better reflects the needs of our state,” Governor Hogan said. “One that will improve coordination between state agencies and local governments, support thoughtful growth and infrastructure planning, stimulate economic development and revitalization in existing and planned communities, and will conserve and enhance the state’s natural and cultural resources.

“This new process will be transparent and collaborative with the primary goal of creating a better framework for a better Maryland. And this time, the state will work closely with citizens, counties, and local jurisdictions. Most importantly, we will finally put local planning authority back into the hands of local governments – where it belongs.”

PlanMaryland was created by the former administration of Governor Martin O’Malley.  The new executive order directs the Maryland Department of Planning, in collaboration with the Smart Growth Subcabinet and the Maryland Sustainable Growth Commission, to create a new State Development Plan.

Coverage from the Baltimore Sun and Washington Post