Governor Hogan outlined actions to assist the hard hit poultry industry on Maryland’s eastern shore and issued an Executive Order to require universal testing at nursing homes and assisted living facilities across the state during a press conference on April 29.  There are currently 262 lab confirmed cases associated with the poultry industry which is why Wicomico County is among the jurisdictions with the highest number of positive cases in the State. Working with the Governors of Delaware and Virginia, a multi-state approach has been activated to address outbreaks at Delmarva poultry processing plants. A team of epidemiologists, contact tracers and others have been dispatched and a testing site is opening at Purdue Stadium in Salisbury specifically for testing poultry workers. A Maryland Incident Management Team has been deployed and there will be a FEMA liaison and CDC team on the ground to provide assistance.

Outbreaks at nursing homes continue as nursing homes account for 19% of total positive cases and 46% of deaths. The Governor announced a number of new directives to protect residents and staff. These include:

  • Universal testing of all residents and staff at all Maryland nursing homes
  • Mandatory compliance and cooperation with strike teams
  • Daily evaluation of residents by a physician, nurse practitioner, physician’s assistant, or registered nurse
  • Development of surge staffing plans which include new bridge teams to provide emergency clinical staffing
  • Regular informational updates for residents, representatives, and staff

The Governor also declared Saturday, May 2 as Healthcare Heroes Day to honor the doctors, nurses, medical workers, and first responders on the front line. To celebrate this event, the Navy’s Blue Angels and Air Force’s Thunderbirds will do a flyover and the State House Dome, Camden Yards, and M&T Bank Stadium will be lit up blue.

Governor’s Press Release
Executive Order – Nursing Homes and Other Health Care Facilities

Last week, Governor Hogan announced a three-stage plan to reopen business and other activities in Maryland – Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery.

  •  Stage 1 – Stay at home order can begin to be lifted – this will reopen some small business and        community activities that are lower risk – golf course, rec boating, fishing, tennis, outdoor fitness, out- patient elective health procedures, counties will have flexibility to open low risk activities, we will need to continue to social distance and wears masks
  • Stage 2 – larger number of businesses could open and other public activities could be allowed, some indoor and small social gatherings, normal public transit schedules, and possibly bars and restaurants
  • Stage 3 – large social gatherings and events will be allowed, entertainment venues possibly reopened, religious ceremonies and other similar activities

The Governor cautioned that, until a vaccine is developed, how we go about our daily lives will be significantly different. He said older, more vulnerable Marylanders should still stay home and others should maintain social distancing and wear face coverings.

More details on the recovery plan and stages can be found here –

Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery

A complete listing of all executive orders, interpretive guidance documents, and emergency proclamations can be found on the Governor’s COVID-19 Pandemic: Orders and Guidance Page.

To stay up to date on state actions visit the Hogan Administration’s COVID-19 Response page. By clicking on the red box “Information About COVID-19 in Maryland” you can access specific information about the coronavirus in Maryland and locate resources for:

Additional information regarding child care for essential personnel, health care providers, insurance companies, providers and more can be found below.