
Courtesy of The Daily Record

Governor Larry Hogan was sworn in for a second term this week as only the second Republican governor to be re-elected in Maryland history.

As reported by the Washington Post,

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan used his second inaugural address on Wednesday to decry the divisiveness of Washington politics, implicitly criticizing President Trump and illustrating his own appeal to the Republican Party’s Never-Trump faction.

“Those of us blessed by your trust should give you a government that doesn’t act as if it is something apart from you but one that is of the people, by the people, and for the people,” Hogan, 62, told a crowd of well-wishers on the State House lawn. “A government that appreciates that no one of us has all the answers or all the power. A government that tolerates contrary views among a diverse citizenry without making them into enemies or doubting their patriotism.”

Governor Hogan’s Inaugural Speech

Additional Press Coverage
Baltimore Sun
The Daily Record (subscription required)