During an afternoon press conference held on May 25, Governor Hogan announced his veto of HB 1, Labor and Employment – Maryland Healthy Working Families Act, otherwise referred to as the  “Paid Sick Leave” legislation.  According to the Governor’s press release, Governor Hogan stated that the legislation was a “deeply flawed, job-killing paid leave bill” and he urged the General Assembly to work with the Administration on a compromise by January.

The Governor also announced three executive orders. The first executive order creates a task force to study how a paid sick leave plan can be implemented. The second extends paid leave benefits to all contractual employees in the executive branch. The third authorizes all state procurement authorities to begin giving preference to contractors who offer paid sick leave to their employees.

Earlier in the day, the Governor held a bill signing to sign over 200 bills into law. A list of the bills signed into law can be found in the link below.