Governor Hogan released details today of his Fiscal Year 2022 proposed budget. As described in the Governor’s press release, the budget “makes record investments in K-12 education and public health, provides substantial tax relief to struggling Marylanders and small businesses, expands resources for crime prevention and fighting the opioid epidemic, fully funds Chesapeake Bay restoration, and lays a strong foundation for the state’s economic recovery.” The complete budget will be formally submitted to the General Assembly in the morning.

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Slides from the Press Conference

The Governor’s press release highlights the major spending areas in the proposed budget – Education, Tax and Stimulus Relief, Protecting our Communities, Protecting Public Health, Fighting the Opioid Epidemic and Substance Use Disorder, Protecting Our Environment, and Balanced Approach to Infrastructure.

The proposed budget maintains minimal reserves consistent with the legislature’s spending affordability guidelines to help maintain the state’s coveted AAA bond rating.