Photo Courtesy of the Executive Office of the Governor
Governor Moore recently presided over the second bill signing ceremony of 2024. In addition to signing three housing bills that were a part of the Moore-Miller Administration’s 2024 legislative agenda, he signed SB 517/ HB 624 to transfer the primary responsibility for the administration of the Next Generation Scholars of Maryland Program (NGS) from the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) to the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC). A key initiative of the Maryland Alliance for College Affordability and Equity (MD Alliance), Manis Canning & Associates is proud to represent the MD Alliance and assist them with their work to remove barriers and make college a reality for students from low-income, first generation, and marginalized families.
The Housing Expansion and Affordability Act directly addresses Maryland’s housing supply and affordability crisis to lower costs and expand economic opportunity for Marylanders across the state. The bill incentivizes the construction of new housing by removing barriers to development that have contributed to the current supply shortage. The bill will also modernize land use law and expedite and simplify approval for transit-oriented development, development on former state-owned complexes, and housing development by 501(c)(3) organizations.
The Housing and Community Development Financing Act strengthens the state’s financing tools for tackling vacant houses and creates the Maryland Community Investment Corporation to unlock tens of millions in federal funding for investments in projects and businesses in low-income communities across the state.
The Renters’ Rights and Stabilization Act protects Maryland renters who are experiencing housing instability. This bill establishes the Office of Tenant and Landlord Affairs to provide renters with information about their rights, creates the Maryland Tenants Bill of Rights, increases the eviction filing fee to address the high eviction filing rate across the county, saves renters money by reducing required security deposits and creates new pathways to homeownership by providing tenants the opportunity to purchase their homes.
To view the complete list of bills signed into law today, visit: