The Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland, Inc announced its 2023 legislative Priorities at a press conference on January 25, 2023. 

The Caucus will focus on cannabis legalization, education, wealth and black businesses, health, and housing. From the 2023 priorities one-pager:

Cannabis Legalization

  • Prioritize licensing to grow, process and dispense cannabis to members of impacted communities including ancillary cannabis businesses.
  • Establish justice reforms that repair past harms and prevent further cannabis criminalization, including eliminating cannabis odor as a pretext for police stops, arrest and/or convictions and removing finds and fees for use of cannabis.
  • All revenue from legal cannabis businesses targeted to communities most impacted by criminalization of cannabis.


  • Recruit pre-k teachers with focus on diversity of the workforce
  • Bolster our Maryland Community Schools programs to ensure the success of our students and strong Blueprint oversight
  • Double funding for Maryland Student Loan Tax Credit Program

Wealth & Black Businesses 

  • Extend and protect Minority Business Enterprise programs
  • Fund and create tech diversity incubator to increase participation and success of Black entrepreneurs
  •  Diminish environmental racism and climate change through the Climate Equity Labor Act


  • Expand mental health and create a health structure that serves black residents via Blueprints for Health — Public Health and Behavioral Health
  • Automatically enroll SNAP recipients in Medicaid
  • Combat the disparity in cancer detection and treatment in Black communities by ensuring access to screening, testing, and treatment while eliminating cost barriers


  • Combat appraisal bias and ensure equal access to wealth through ownership by increasing the number of Black appraisers
  • Expand housing and access to opportunity by creating a state-level housing voucher program
  • Increase notification for rent increases to 120 days of notice statewide”