Photo Courtesy Transition Website

In a press conference this afternoon at the University of Maryland College Park, Governor-Elect Wes Moore announced key details of the Moore-Miller transition. Lieutenant Governor-Elect Aruna Miller will chair the transition team alongside four co-chairs – Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks, President of the Downtown Partnership of Baltimore Shelonda Stokes, former campaign treasurer Mary Tydings, and former Howard County Executive Ken Ulman.

From the Governor-Elect’s press release,

“The Transition marks the beginning of our work to fulfill our ‘leave no one behind’ agenda,” said Governor-Elect Wes Moore. “With Aruna Miller leading this effort, I am confident that our Transition will engage the entire state to identify and elevate the very best ideas to guide our administration.”

…“I am proud to welcome County Executive Alsobrooks, Shelonda Stokes, Mary Tydings, and Ken Ulman as the co-chairs of the Transition,” said Lieutenant Governor-Elect Aruna Miller. “Throughout their lives, and careers, the Transition co-chairs represent a powerful commitment to uplift our communities and elevate the ideas that move us forward. In the coming months, we will work tirelessly to fight for all Marylanders as we tackle historic challenges and seize generational opportunity. I am honored to lead our Transition and am eager to get to work.”

Cleo Hirsch, who previously served as the Executive Director of COVID Response for Baltimore City Schools, was named as the Director of the Moore-Miller Transition Team.

The transition also announced the launch of a transition website,; where every Marylander can submit an idea, join the transition policy committees as a member at large, and see upcoming events. More details on the policy committees are forthcoming.