Governor Hogan announced earlier this week the State would begin to move into Stage Three of the ‘Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery’ effective Friday, September 4 at 5:00 p.m.  This includes the following additional safe and gradual reopenings.

  • INDOOR THEATERS. Indoor theaters where live performances occur or motion pictures are shown may open to the general public at 50% capacity, or 100 people per auditorium—whichever is less—with appropriate health and safety protocols in place.
  • OUTDOOR VENUES. Outdoor venues where live performances occur or motion pictures are shown outdoors may open to the general public at 50% capacity, or 250 people—whichever is less—with appropriate health and safety protocols in place.
  • RETAIL AND RELIGIOUS FACILITIES. Capacity for retail establishments and religious facilities may increase from 50 to 75 percent.

As with Stages One and Two, Stage Three will be implemented in multiple phases with a flexible, community-based approach that empowers individual jurisdictions to make decisions regarding the timing of reopenings. The following jurisdictions have made announcements regarding Stage Three reopening plans.

Baltimore City – Announced it will not fully move into Stage Three, but will allow movie theaters to reopen at 25% capacity and allow indoor dining at 50% capacity sometime next week – Baltimore Sun Article

Baltimore County – Announced it plans to aligned with the State’s Stage Three reopening plan – Baltimore Sun Article

Montgomery County – Announced it will not move into Stage Three with further updates later in the week – Bethesda Beat 

Additional information will be provided as it becomes available.

Governor Hogan Announces the Beginning of Stage Three Reopening