Governor Hogan has appointed Marlon Amprey, Esq. to the Maryland House of Delegates. The Baltimore City Democratic Central Committee voted last week to nominate Amprey to replace replace former Delegate Nick Mosby, who last month was sworn in as president of the Baltimore City Council.

From the Governor’s press release

Amprey will represent Legislative District 40 in Baltimore City, filling the seat vacated by former Delegate Nick Mosby. Prior to joining Cole Scholz, where he serves as an associate, Amprey was a corporate associate at an international law firm in Washington, D.C. He earned his bachelor of arts from the University of Maryland, College Park, his master’s in education from George Mason University, and his juris doctorate from University of Pennsylvania with a certificate in business management from The Wharton School. During law school, Amprey served as a congressional intern for the late Congressman Elijah E. Cummings.

Additional coverage can be found in the Baltimore Sun.