House and Senate Democrats announced yesterday a package of seven legislative priorities they plan to accomplish this session. While some of the details of these proposals still need to be worked out, they are expected to pass. These priorities include:

  • increasing the minimum wage to $15 an hour;
  • raising the legal age to purchase cigarettes;
  • banning so-called ghosts guns’
  • creating a commission to increase transparency for the cost of prescription drugs and another capping out-of-pocket drug costs to state retirees;
  • pre-empting the potential fallout of a Texas federal court ruling that overturned the Affordable Care Act;
  • modernizing the tax credits available for child care, projected to cost as much as $20 million annually; and,
  • banning the use of Styrofoam containers and mandating the use of recyclable or compostable materials.

House and Senate Democrat Leadership Press Release

More details can be found in the articles from the publications below.

Baltimore Sun
Washington Post
The Daily Record (subscription required)
Maryland Matters