The Maryland Commission on Transportation Revenue and Infrastructure Needs was recently established to review and make recommendations to improve existing transportation revenues, investment decisions, and the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) operations, among others. The 31 member Commission created by Chapter 455, Acts of 2023, will be chaired by Frank Principe, Jr., with the University of Maryland Global Campus; and include legislators; representatives from local government, transportation, industry, business, labor, and environmental organizations; and several members of the Moore Administration, including Transportation Secretary Paul J. Wiedefeld, Budget and Management Secretary Helene Grady, Commerce Secretary Kevin Anderson, and Planning Secretary Rebecca Flora.

As directed by the General Assembly, the Commission will review, evaluate and make recommendations concerning:

  • The current State funding sources and structure of the Maryland Transportation Trust Fund, including major trends in revenue, including the general funds;
  • the methods other states are employing to fund state transportation operating and capital programs, including toll revenue, vehicle-miles-traveled fees, fees on zero-emission vehicles, and non-transportation-related revenue options;
  • short-and long-term construction and maintenance funding needs for transit, highway, pedestrian, bicycle, heavy rail, shipping, air travel, and other transportation needs;
  • options for public-private partnerships, including partnerships with local governments, to meet transportation funding needs, including funding options;
  • changes in transportation technology and trends that will impact transportation infrastructure needs and costs to the State;
  • existing practices for prioritizing project funding and opportunities to better prioritize needs, including local and legislative priorities;
  • the structure of regional transportation authorities and the ability of these authorities to meet transportation needs in various regions of the State;
  • options for sustainable, long-term revenue sources for transportation; and
  • opportunities for improving the Maryland Department of Transportation’s ability and capacity to deliver significant capital projects.

The Commission will meet throughout 2023 and 2024. An interim report is due to the Governor and legislature by January 1, 2024 and a final report by January 1, 2025. Meetings will be livestreamed on the Maryland General Assembly’s website.

Dates, times, agendas, updates, and other information will be posted on the commission website at