Newly sworn in Baltimore City Mayor Brandon Scott announced earlier today further restrictions to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. These restrictions include the closing of indoor and outdoor dining and limiting capacity at retail and recreational establishments. Restrictions, which take effect Friday, December 11 at 5 p.m. include the following:

  • All indoor gatherings public and private are capped at 10 people. Outdoor gatherings are limited to 25 people.
  • Restaurants are barred from offering indoor or outdoor dining but may continue carryout.
  • Theaters are closed.
  • Businesses such as cigar shops, hookah bars, and adult entertainment establishments are closed.
  • Religious institutions, retail businesses, outdoor entertainment venues, malls, gyms and casinos are limited to 25% capacity. No food or drinks are allowed to be served at the city’s only casino.
  • The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore, National Aquarium and museums are capped at 25% capacity.
  • Personal services businesses are limited to 25% capacity and appointments only. Businesses are required to keep a log of customers and employees for contact tracing purposes.
  • Recreation and Parks fields are closed.

During a press event earlier today. Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich commented he recently sent a proposal to the Montgomery County Council to approve similar actions. If approved, they would take effect Tuesday, December 15. Bethesda Beat Article

Mayor’s Executive Order

Baltimore Sun Article