District 20 Team 2022 Campaign Kick-Off Senator Will Smith Delegate Lorig Charkoudian Delegate David Moon Delegate Jheanelle Wilkins Location: Martin [...]
Virtual Reception Delegate Susie Proctor, District 27A House AppropriationsCommittee Virtual Fundraiser - Via Zoom Date & Time: Tuesday, October 19th 7:00 [...]
Virtual Fundraiser Delegate Mike Rogers, District 32 House Economic Matters Committee Special Guest: Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger Virtual Fundraiser - Via [...]
60th Birthday Celebration Delegate Kathy Szeliga, District 7 House Health and Government Operations Committee Featured Speaker: Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. [...]
"Endless Summer "Reception Senator Mary Beth Carozza, District 38 Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee Location: Harrison Harbor Watch [...]
Oktoberfest Event Delegate Mark Fisher, District 27C House Economic Matters Committee Location: The Fisher Residence 6150 Sheridan Point Road Prince [...]
Fall Fundraiser Dinner Concert Delegate Ric Metzgar, District 6 House Appropriations Committee Location: Fiesta Caterers 302 German Hill Road Dundalk, [...]
2021 Fundraiser Italian Dinner Delegate Diana Fennell, District 47A House Economic Matters Committee Location: Three Brothers Italian Restaurant 4521 Kenilworth [...]