During a press conference yesterday, Governor Hogan announced further restrictions on hospitals, restaurants, retail, and other establishments. These actions include the following:

  • Effective Friday, November 20 at 5 p.m. – Emergency Order
    • Bars, restaurants and places where food and alcohol are served must close by 10 p.m. and can’t reopen until 6 a.m. Takeout and delivery may continue after that time.
    • 50% capacity restrictions for retail businesses, religious institutions, personal services, bingo halls, bowling alleys, pool halls and other similar establishments.
    • No fans allowed at pro or collegiate stadiums or racetracks.
  • Maryland’s surge response at hospitals and nursing homes – Amended Healthcare Directive
    • Ordering hospitals to restrict hospital visitation statewide, with some exemptions.
    • Warning hospitals to avoid elective procedures that aren’t urgent or life-saving. Elective Procedure Order
    • Hospitals nearing capacity, or full, may transfer patients to other hospitals that are able to provide care.
    • Limited visitation at Maryland nursing homes, with proof of negative test within 72 hours of visit. Order on Nursing Home Matters
    • Mandatory, twice-weekly testing for staff at Maryland nursing homes, and mandatory weekly testing for nursing home residents.

As with prior announcements and executive orders, local jurisdictions may impose more strict requirements. See summary of these actions below.

Anne Arundel County is staggering effective dates for new restrictions. Press Release, Road To Recovery information, and Executive Order

  • Effective Friday, November 13 at 5:00 p.m. – Maximum number of people permitted at a social gathering are 10 indoors and 25 outdoors. (A social gathering is any informal gathering of people that is not explicitly covered in other current executive orders.)
  • Effective Monday, November 16 at 8:00 a.m. – Youth athletics are suspended for all county fields and facilities.
  • Effective Friday, November 20 at 5:00 p.m. – Maximum capacity for indoor dining operations in restaurants, bars and any foodservice establishment will be reduced from 50 percent to 25 percent.

Baltimore City restrictions took effect November 12, 2020. Mayor’s Executive Order

  • All indoor and outdoor facilities, including restaurants, theaters, malls, casinos, entertainment venues, event spaces and religious facilities, should not exceed 25% of their usual maximum capacity.
  • Bars that are not licensed to sell food may not serve drinks, however they can continue to sell alcohol to go.
  • Restaurants and other food service establishments must halt indoor dining by 11 p.m.
  • Gatherings at homes are limited to 10 people.

Baltimore County restrictions include the following. Executive Order, COVID-19 Updates and Guidance

  • Operations at restaurants at 50 percent.
  • Social gatherings limited to 10 people indoors, 25 people outdoors.
  • Foodservice establishments to close by midnight.

Frederick County requirements issued by the County Board of Health effective as of November 13. COVID-19 Resources

  • All residents ages 5 and older must wear face coverings.
  • Events at indoor and outdoor venues are limited to 25 people or 25% of venue capacity, whichever is less.
  • Religious facilities are limited to 50%.

Harford County reinstituted the following restrictions effective Friday, November 13. Press Release

  • County facilities closed to the public.
  • All indoor parks & recreation facilities and programming was suspended.
  • Organized outdoor activities on county fields, including tournaments, were suspended.

Howard County announced the following restrictions effective Tuesday, November 17. Press Release and Executive Order

  • Restricts indoor gatherings of more than 10 people and outdoor gatherings of more than 25 people.
  • Department of Recreation & Parks has canceled all tournaments that include out-of-state participants and redoubled its efforts on mask-wearing for all other programs, leagues, and tournaments.

Montgomery County’s restrictions went into effect at 5 p.m. on November 10. Press Release and Executive Order

  • Gatherings of more than 25 people are prohibited at locations including parties, receptions, parades, festivals and fundraisers. Large events that are planned must be cancelled or postponed.
  • Capacity is reduced to a maximum of 25 percent for:
    • Fitness centers;
    • Food service establishments (indoors);
    • Museums and art galleries;
    • Retail establishments; and
    • Religious facilities.
  • Capacity is reduced to 25 percent or 25 people—whichever is lower—for bowling venues and for personal services establishments (including hair salons, barbershops, massage and nail salons).
  • Childcare programs must continue to operate at Phase 2 levels currently in effect for providers in Montgomery County.
  • Outdoor playgrounds are exempt from hourly cleaning requirements, as defined in the general operating requirements.
  • Escape room businesses may reopen at a capacity limit of six people.

Prince George’s County restrictions took effect Sunday, November 15 at 5 p.m. Press Release and  Health Directive

  • Restricts indoor gatherings to no more than 10 including private residents and a maximum of 25 people outside. Indoor capacity is based on square-footage with a maximum of 1 person per 200 square-feet.
  • Mandatory face coverings remain in effect indoors in retail and other venues open to the public. Face covering requirements are required outside unless a person is engaged in rigorous exercise.
  • 25% capacity indoors at restaurants and 50% outside.
  • Gyms remain open restricted to 1 person per 200 square feet and 25% maximum capacity.
  • Bowling alleys remain open with maximum of 255 capacity or 50 people, whichever is lower.