In an email message this afternoon, Senator Melony Griffith announced she will be leaving the Maryland Senate to become President and CEO of the Maryland Hospital Association. Senator Griffith has a 30 year career in public service and most recently served as Chair of the Senate Finance Committee.

Below is the text from her email which highlights her many accomplishments.

Dear Neighbors,

It is with great appreciation of your support over the last 30 years, and after careful thought and consideration, that I have decided to resign from the Maryland State Senate and have accepted the role of President and CEO of the Maryland Hospital Association (MHA).

Working for and with the 62 hospitals across the state will bring together my passion and expertise in community empowerment, health care, and overall well-being. I hope to have a greater influence on the health of the entire state of Maryland.  I also plan to help legislators, regulators, and all of you better understand the efforts of hospitals and the incredible lengths to which they go in order to provide lifesaving care 24/7/365.

As you may already know, I started my first campaign for the Maryland House of Delegates back in October of 1993. It has been an absolute honor to work with District 25 residents, Prince Georgians, and Marylanders to find solutions to the challenges we face. Together we have been able to implement policies, secure resources for programs and services, and make improvements to our roads and buildings.

I am proud to say that we have been able to make a real impact on the daily lives of constituents. Through strategic leadership and collaboration, we have been able to achieve some remarkable accomplishments over the years. Some notable highlights include:

  • Served as Chair of the President’s Workgroup on Equity and Inclusion to pass 19 bills addressing health disparities, wealth equity, and environmental justice.
  • Worked to protect retiree pensions and prescription drug benefits in Maryland.
  • Worked to create safe and modern new schools.
  • Secured hundreds of millions of dollars in funding for economic development initiatives and non-profit organizations.
  • Provided resources and policies to support our local tourism, film, arts, and entertainment industries.
  • Prioritized the health and safety of our community members by increasing state funding for local health departments.
  • Passed key legislation to support active duty military, veterans and dependents.
  • Passed the Preserve Telehealth Act. By providing access to telehealth care, we can ensure that everyone has the opportunity to receive quality medical care, regardless of their location or circumstances.
  • Served as a member of the Maryland Procurement Improvement Council, which works to enhance the efficiency and transparency of State contracts.
  • Awarded over $800,000 in Legislative Scholarships to the incredibly bright and talented scholars of Prince George’s County.

Over the course of my service in the Maryland General Assembly, I have had the privilege of working with five Governors, four County Executives, seven District 25 Delegates, two Speakers of the House, and two Senate Presidents. During my tenure, I had the honor of serving as Chair of over five committees/subcommittees and as President Pro Tempore of the Senate. I have also had the pleasure of celebrating countless personal and community milestones alongside my constituents.

Thanks to the unwavering support of my incredible team, Citizens for Melony Griffith, and my colleagues in the 25th District, we have been able to bring about positive change in our beloved community. Collectively, we have knocked on countless doors, hosted dozens of town halls (including the innovative “Let’s Talk” Information series), and attended a multitude of civic and community meetings and events. It is truly a privilege to work alongside such devoted individuals and contribute to the advancement of our community.

I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to all of you who have contributed to our state and my efforts! Your generous financial support has made it possible for me to stay in touch with District 25 voters and share important updates with residents.

I remain committed to serving our community. I will now focus my efforts on improving health outcomes for all of us, and I will continue to partner with you to address other important challenges facing our community.

In service,
