Senate President Bill Ferguson sent a letter to the Senate of Maryland announcing updates made to the guidelines and protocols for the 2022 Regular Legislative Session. These safety updates go into effect on Monday, February 14th. Important information included in the letter is listed below. Of significant importance is the change in procedures for witness sign-up. All witnesses, including sponsor witnesses, are still required to sign up to testify through the MGA website and create a “MyMGA” account.

Beginning February 14th, witness sign-up will begin the business day before the hearing at 4:00 p.m. and continue until the morning of the hearing at 10:00 a.m.


Face masks are still required to gain entrance to any legislative building, and in all public spaces regardless of vaccination status, including witnesses when testifying.

In addition, any individual who needs to gain entrance to or attend a meeting in the State House or Legislative Services, Senate, or House buildings must wear a face mask consistently in all public spaces of those buildings, regardless of vaccination status.


Members of the public are allowed in the gallery of the Senate Chamber where seating will be spaced to allow for social distancing. Space in the gallery will be reserved for press, as well as limited space on the Senate Chamber floor.

Only members, desk officers, committee managers, press, Senate President’s Office staff, and approved guests may access the Senate Chamber floor. The Senate will continue allowing resolutions and acknowledgments of guests by members. Please contact [The President’s] office if you have any questions or concerns.


The Miller and James Senate buildings are still open to the public and committee rooms will continue to have air purifiers.

Beginning on February 14th, seating in the committee rooms will be open to the public but spaced to provide physical distance between seats. We ask that staff and members of the public allow those who have signed up to testify to sit in the audience in the committee room and, if necessary, leave the committee room when finished testifying if there are no seats available in the audience.


No more than four individuals, not including staff or members, are allowed in a member’s office at one time.

In addition, members and committees may implement additional protocols for their offices, such as requiring appointments before meeting with members of the public, holding virtual-only meetings, or requiring proof of vaccination prior to doing an in-person meeting.


Beginning on February 14th, committee hearings and briefings will be held in person.

Most committees will continue to hold bill hearings on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Committee chairs will still determine witness guidelines such as witness testimony length and late testimony.

Due to the logistical challenge of appropriately streaming in-person and Zoom testimony simultaneously, we will not be allowing hybrid testimony for bill hearings. In extraordinary circumstances, Chairs may, at their discretion, allow pre-recorded video testimony. Individuals may submit electronic written testimony if they cannot testify in person.


All witnesses, including sponsor witnesses, are still required to sign up to testify through the MGA website and create a “MyMGA” account.

Beginning February 14th, witness sign-up will begin the business day before the hearing at 4:00 p.m. and continue until the morning of the hearing at 10:00 a.m.

For more information, please see the memorandum from President Ferguson.